9/11 Rememberance - 10 Years

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Thanks Mikewint. I tried to get some different pics that were thought provoking at the same time. If looked at singulary, I think each pic is powerful. I do hope everyone that sees this thread takes a bit of time with each pic.

THanks all.
Here are some photos from out 9/11 Memorial flights yesterday. We ended up with a three ship formation and I was in #3, which was the ship for the missing man. I got a little choked up as we pulled for the missing man over Santa Barbara, with the harbor patrol boats spraying their water cannon, the boats in the harbor all blasting their horns. We also had a last minute call for a flyover for the festivities at the Regan Presidential Library.

There is no greater honor than to be involved in a memorial flyover. I carried 2 memorial flags for this hop. One for my home, and the other for my wife's cousin, who was working at a hospital in NYC on 9/11.


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Njaco, yes they are all powerful images but that one sticks with me. I know that there were many of those pics and the TV cameras caught several of those suicide jumps until eventually they stopped showing them. The individual death is much easier to comprehend than thousands killed.
Evan, great pics as always. Must have been quite an honor
Heartfelt emotion and images, memories too, condolances to all victums and involved persons, particulaly those whom are still suffering now.

I had just started my 1st term of the year proper of a 2 year AVCE/Advanced GNVQ in Engineering, at Rugby College on the Monday before.

I got to class at 09:02, and our morning class lecturer, whom was also our head of year was late - I made it in ok. Shortly later we the class (of 15 students), all thought he was running late as per usual - following what we gathered of him from induction the week previous.

Minutes later he came in to say, the WTC been hit by a plane. He invited those of us interesed (inc' myself,) and a few others followed him down stairs to one of the engineering labs with a TV in it on the ground floor.

I remember those of my fellow pupils and the engineering dept staff there watching, were all thinking many things "Is this real? it must be an accident, some ones pushed the 'big red button"(I was born in 79', so remember the feeling of Cold War ever present possibility of MAD) etc.
We all were shocked that this could happen, of the lives lost, those trapped...

Dazed, chatting, curious, theorising, we travelled upstairs to the 1st floor to tell those of the class whom didn't follow us down the befallen events.
Another lecturer found a spare TV, and we set it up in the classroom, and watched events unfold. Time passed unseen as the media also theorised and replayed shots from cameras on the streets below inside.

Then a while later as we still in hindsight sat watching dumbfounded like a bunch of 'rubber neckers', we all realised it wasn't an accident as such, as the 2nd plane arced in...

"Was it diehard Soviets? Was it some begrudged US Citizens? Had the flight software been hacked? Was it the Real IRA or the like? What, why, who, what next, where next, were things going to go nuckear in a kneejerk reactions by US or ex Soviet?"

We all fell silent or whispered, thinking upon all and worse ideas, causes and permutations. We stood, sat or hovered uncertainly between chair, desk or standing as the fires took hold, the news showing all as it occured and what had occured so far ina montage, as the first poor souls choose to jump rather than burn, or tried to smash windows out, or signal passing helicopters.

We all saw the people at the windows, those deciding wheather to stay or jump, the falling, the trapped, the inferno's, the visible flashes within prior to the collaspes, the tradegdy, forever burnt in our retinas, upon our memories, in our human hearts, the anguish, the lament...

I then remebered my stepfathers oldest son, John, a stepbrother I've only once (in 94'), who worked for an insurance company in one of the towers. I felt a sickening feeling spreading, for him, my stepfather...

Our lessons didn't reallt start that day until after lunch at 1pm, well until the next day.

I later learned that his stopped off to get a newspaper breakfast snacks, from a news stand at one of the underground stations, missing his usual train - he would be quite late for work considering the train traffic of the morning in NY, but it saved him.
The train he was caught to carry on, was one of the ones that was stranded a mile of so between stations close to the WTC complex. He lost many many collegues and freinds, and was both grateful and ashamed of being dalayed at the newstand/kiosk.

In hindsight I always couldn't grasp that my mother could remember so clearly Kennedy being shot as a young Rugby girl, now I understood understand such clarity of memory.

For all whom are no longer with us, from whichever creed, background, culture, religion (or non religion), country of birth, race and lifestyle, for the humans lost so horrendously, I will not forget. I cannot. We should not.

I cannot but help feel, and I sincerly apologise for this opinion; We should also remember the joys, loves, hates, quibbles, foiables and human aspects of those lost, to use them temper and restrain those human needs for vengence, to dillute the memories of the lost with our survivors wrath, we do no justice to their memory.

May the monsters who are known by fate/god/gods/goddess, whom did this remain in eternal limbo, forever feeling the all the pain torment of those whom suffered at their dispicalbe decisions actions.
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Razor, I do understand and applaud your feelings you are a very good person. Personally I am not and have never been so forgiving. In my opinion forgiveness and absolution are Gods domain my job was to arrange that meeting
In hindsight I always couldn't grasp that my mother could remember so clearly Kennedy being shot as a young Rugby girl, now I understood understand such clarity of memory.

Razor, I know what you mean. I was born on the day Kenndy was elected and my brother was born on the day he was assasinated so , even though I'm conservative, Kennedy has special meaning with me and I wanted to understand about "Where were you when..." feelings. Untill that Tuesday.....

Thanks for the post.

Mike, I LOVE that!!!
Thanks Njaco, we said it back in the 60's in cruder terms: Kill them all and let God sort them out.
I'm old, with old values and do understand the "turn the other cheek", "love your enemies" precepts it is just not for me. Gandhi was very lucky he was dealing with the semi-civilized British, had Stalin been in charge, Gandhi and his followers would have disappeared below the permafrost
I don't know why some think I am forgiving the demons who did this no matter who they really are - known only to themselves whichever religous entities (if your a believer of sorts) was watching.

May the monsters who are known by fate/god/gods/goddess, whom did this remain in eternal limbo, forever feeling the all the pain torment of those whom suffered at their dispicalbe decisions actions.

Not all who died in towers or those unfortunate passengers were just only Americans or follower of Christianity - yes most were, but many nationalities and non Christians too lost their lives - to ignore that dis-respects them their families too, equal as much as to say disrespecting the Christian souls lost, and I feel that is very improper.
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Well said razor and I agree.

I've never been a hard-liner and I don't want to be one. I never want to become cynical, although it's hard not to be so when seeing those images again.
Can't imagine it has been 10 years since then. All those people, and the uselessness of it all.
Can't imagine what the hijackers were thinking, can't imagine what they wanted to accomplish. Making up the balance after 10 years, I would say that everyone got off worse, their fellow Muslims being hardest hit. 2 big wars and two countries in total chaos, thousands of dead people, upcoming right-extremist thinking, especially in Europe. 9/11 2011 sure is one of the blackest days in my time with grave consequences.

9/11 was not only an attack on the USA, it was on all of humanity. I sure hope evil will not win this fight.
razor, I don't think that post was directed at any Non-Christians but those whos actions resulted in all the death and destruction. And while I agree about all the nationalities, it happened on American soil and there is where my sympathies are.
Understable so Njaco, I brook no grudge from you or others on this subject, nor mean to insite such grudges.
I have not had the unpleasantness of things to trigger the vengence emotion sufficiently (yet) in this life of mine, but whole heartely sympathsise as an outsider of the event. I was intending to head off (stupidly) any future post that might go that way, as a loyal member of the community.
I hope the souls lost, and those burdened by loss understand my reasoning. I'd be quite happy to censor or remove them if it is felt so needed.
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No worries. Its all good and it is appropriate. I really didn't want to go into the political or religous aspects of the situation but you did remind us that Americans were not alone that day.
just re-reading comments after my last one on the other page, am sure glad you guys have not tasted death first hand on the battle-field, and I pray you never do. some say this is a religious war, I can firmly believe that from my stint in the mid-east and now our embassy in Afghan gets thumped, Israel is being tested again by silly folks................ this is not going to ever end

Armor up !
Razor, please don't worry, no offense was taken, please speak your mind. As I said, I'm old and have old ideas that don't quite fit in this new PC world of ours. I'm a bad fit in our kinder, gentler society. I don't want to wait for their eventual demise after a long enjoyable life. I'd load them in a plane filled with gasoline and dive it into a building especially constructed for the purpose with video cameras rolling.
do you really mean Mike a more passive, ***** and high tech although more stupid generation today ............ yes it fits that is a fact and we will succumb in part to all this crap we have glued to our heads and we feel we so desperately need to make it in our daily loves. . . . . Dang we are so dumb !

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