A challenging nose art

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To be honest guys I really dont expect any one to build this aircraft. There have been a couple of B-24 builds and I just thought some one might find this interesting as its unusual and different, not to mention rated G for those that have little kids around.
Jeez! Even the front of the nose art would be worth a small fortune! Those decorated panels saved, and in museums, are fantastic to see. Just standing back and imagining what that metal has 'seen' is quite a powerful experience, sometimes greater than seeing the whole veteran aircraft.
Cant disagree with you on that, bewarey though tonight there Terry. Im getting ready to go to bed and reading the battle of britain. Maybe I will find an aircraft for you. Then again i will be happier if I can get over this cold.
Funny you should say that! I've been looking at schemes for the Bf109E4 over the past year or so. I've done loads of '109's from the BoB in the past, and normally prefer 'ordinary' kites, instead of well-known or aces' mounts. I've got a couple in mind, and prefer a mottled scheme, preferably without the yellow or white nose. Daniel is sending me the Hasgawa 1/32nd scale kit, so I'll be doing that as one for the BoB GB, along with another JU88, possibly the new Revell He111 (if it's out in time) and maybe the new Pacific Coast 1/32nd scale Hurricane....quite a bench full!! Definitely need a shed - or a bigger house!!

Will see what I can find as Im going to miss work again today due to a fever. I started to read Luftwaffe Fighter-bombers over Britain last night which I would have to look up the dates but as I started reading I think the dates are outside the Battle of Britain.

I do have a suggestion for the He 111. I dont know if I can find it but it would probably be a simple He 111 but with some history. It would be the one that Werner Molders lost his life in. Could be an intersting research project?

Just idea's throwing out there. Please dont feel obligated to do them. Im just tech support as you guys put it
I'd say that you're as far from 'just' a tech support Paul, that you can possibly get! You do a most excellent work over and over again mate!

Thanks Jan for the complement. I enjoy doing as much as you enjoy building them. I take the easy way out with models. I buy them pre built and painted. Though I only have two. Three counting my sons. 2 bf-109's and a P-51.

Scratch the idea of the He 111, Molders died after the Battle of Britain
Here you go Terry, I kinda like this one. From the book series Classic publications Battle of Britain by David Wadman Eddie Creek. Of course Jan may fight you for it

Test your skill in painting also


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Here are few more ideas for you Terry. First profile I found on WingsPalette site, but I believe it's Claes Sundin's work. Others are from Jagdwaffe Classic Publications.


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Here's another one from Jagdwaffe book. I know, I know... It's not from the BoB, but rather a JG 27 bird from North Africa campaign. But the scheme is so cool I had to post it. I have my sight on this one for a long time now. Think this would be quite a challenge to do...


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Nice Ijor, I actually think I might have Black and white pictures of all those profiles but maybe the last one.

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