A Christmas Present (Happy story)

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Vic Balshaw

Major General
Jul 20, 2009
First let me wish you all a Happy New Year, I hope you all had a good one.

My partner and I went to Singapore for Christmas, in effect we were running away. We flew out of Melbourne on a hot steamy evening, flying Emirates to Singers. We had pre-allocated seats on the Boeing 777-300, row 48 which was a double seat at the back of the aircraft, just right for the two of us. Checking in we were upgraded to row 10 in Business Class, WHOOPEE!! Nice one but alas we were not able to use the business lounge. Still it was an upgrade and a nice comfy late evening flight that didn't get us to Singers until midnight. Checking in at the boarding gate we had a glitch with our boarding cards, they were rejected. It is not unusual to get a bit of a co*k-up from time to time and it looked as though we were heading back to economy. Needless to say we were hoping we would still be together on this very full flight. We showed our boarding cards to the lass at the desk as she tickled the key on the computer keyboard. She then produced, with a big smile, two more new First Class boarding cards, we were now in row 1. YABBA DABBA DOOOO!!! (now you know how old I am) talk about jubilation, I was gobsmacked and with the biggest cheesy grin all over my face and Hil, my partner, she literally skipped all the way down the boarding ramp into her No 1C seat. What a way to start the holiday.

Thank you Emirates, it was a great start to a great holiday.
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