A famous Italian Storch

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Yep I agree with Terry. But there is a possibility that the MG mount could be easy replaced with the glass cap. As a result there wasn't any need to remove of racks for round cartriges. And these still were there though. Of course without machine gun magazines. I wouldn't be worried about that.
so I did some assembly work,

- the bulkhead, with some pipes/wires added:

- the engine, with the addition of spark-plugs wires and that blue collector clearly visible on photos

- and the two joined together:

I also started working on the cockpit, using the relevant Eduard p.e. fret. Photos to come soon.
I'm here again!

Separated tail movable surfaces

and fitted office inside fuselage:

So I can start thinking to paint, as soon as the sun will show-up again!


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