A few ground rules for the new folks

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
Okay, to avoid any confusion around here, there are a few rules that must be followed:

1. NEVER disparage anyone's service to their country. Call him a putz, tell him he's full of crap, whatever. But insulting anyone's military service will be grounds for immediate banning. There will be no appeal.

2. The administrators and moderators run a fairly tight ship. We do let some banter go on for a bit, but when any one of us tells you to settle down, just do it. Do not pick a fight with any one of them, because they stand pretty united, and you WILL lose.

3. If you have a problem, question or beef, you can PM any one of us for assistance, if it is handled with respect.

4. Disagreements will happen from time to time and some of these debates can get heated. The personal attacks are a sign that your facts or data are weak, or you are not doing a good job at expressing your point of view. This should not turn into insults and personal attacks. Warnings will be issued for infractions.

5. If you decide to start a fight with someone, be prepared to take your licks. This is the World Wide Web, the new "old west" and it can get rough on the web at times. Don't be thin-skinned. We will watch for this kind of activity and do our best to tone it down before it gets out of hand, but mods/admins can not be everywhere, all the time.

6. There is a no politics rule in place. The reason is that it always leads to personal attacks. Politics in regards to historical aspects is allowed for obvious reasons. What about WW2 is not political? lol

Please however refrain from modern political discussion as necessary.

7. The forum has a policy against selling items in public. We have had instances of scammers in the past. Also, this forum is not making a commission off of any sales. Please use Ebay or other sites for marketing and selling your items.

Please take some time reading through some threads and get a feel for the place. Use the search function to look for threads of interest or if you have a question. There have been a lot of topics discussed here and some of your questions may already be answered. Plus reading through some of the threads will give you a better idea of who the people are and what subjects they know well.

Enjoy, have fun and be respectful. Any questions, feel free to ask.
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Also, as an important first timers notice, if you are having trouble with your new account, send a message to admin@ww2aircraft.net.... Do not create a new account as it will be noticed by us Moderators.... You are allowed ONE account and one only... Secondary accounts trigger an alert for us....

We will ban the second account and issue an infraction against the primary account....
Seem's how this link has been started and lots of people should read it. I want to point out something. I AM NOT A WEB MONITOR!!!!

It seems a few people think I run the technical section. I do not. All though at times I do feel Ive taken over abit. Its run by FlyboyJ and the other monitors. I do help out with uploads for people who cant figure it out and I have uploaded things for other people.

I do not know what I will post next although something may or may not be in the works. Easiest way is for people to write there question on the message board. I dont mind person questions but comments about people on the web needs to go to the monitors.

PS I stand 100% by the monitors and yes I am Ex-military!!!!!!!!

AHhhhhhh **** most of tat ****, we should do wat we feel like, ITS A ****EN FREE WORLD.........YEAH FILLED WITH TAXES AND HEAPS OF OTHER ****....the nets to do wat ya want with, not for people to make more rules on
Unfortunately we don't have the technology to weed out the retarded and deranged. We could only deal with these folks as an afterthought so if you ever meet one of these "individuals," feel free to to give them a free lobotomy...
Morning Joe Just got back from vacation
Interesting thread it was the first one I opened. very funny, nothing like a good moron to set you up for the day
I thought Eric's little guide was very good shame we get the odd nutter but hey I'm still here .

But trackie you're an institution here! Besides you've won the "Best Avatar" contest 3 years in a row!
WTF was THAT all about gentlemen (xX-TFC-Xx)? Just proves it doesn't it? A wanker is born every minute, use protection......
Hat off to you Mods and Admins .... you're doing a fab job!
352 Kills............Ace of Aces!.......... Helicopter pilots if they existed then....would probably do quite well flying fixed wing. Great eye hand.......
New Guy...
Ive been here for a little bit now and i must say...the admins and moderaters do an ABSOLUTLY incredible job, i'm new to this stuff but being a gearhead i,e, mechanic if it has a nut or a bolt I WILL figure it out, flying rc planes was such a pleasure that i want to fly for real, i quoted this for a reason, this is why im here no idiots no bullshit (sorry guys) but to learn and meet new freinds. dont know if anybody will read this but at least i wrote it Bill.

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