A few more future releases.

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Impressive stuff. It really is a nice looking kit.
But I can't help feeling slightly puzzled by the way Eduard sometimes go about things; in the first place, the kit is excellent and extremely well detailed, so why (apart from extra revenue) release 'up date' parts, which could have been incorporated as part of the main kit parts which, in themselves, are more than adequate anyway.Secondly, in 1/48th scale, and even in 1/32nd scale, all that extra detail (over and above what is provided in the basic kit) will be difficult to see on the finished model, the cockpit opening being so small and narrow, as most of us know.
That said, it looks like this kit, even in it's basic form from the box, has taken the laurels as best MkIX in 1/48th scale, although it is, of course, more than twice the price of the previous title holder from ICM.
I think I'll have to try really hard to buy only one .....
Market demand Terry. Eduard clearly see a strong demand in the aftermarket area as their offerings are huge and varied. I persoanlly like Eduard's approach wherein for any given type, you can build the model you want at the price you want. The basic Weekend Edition kits are excellent value and lack only the PE parts and multiple decal options offered in the Profipaks. Anyone wishing to go beyond the excellent details already offered in the Profipak has a wide array of addons form which to select.

I think it's smart and helps make Eduard on of the best, if not the best, in my opinion.
Looked at like that, then yes, I have to agree. I suppose I'm just so used to making most 'add ons' myself, only purchasing the odd after market bit here and there, that I tend to ignore the 'accessories' market to an extent. And of course, being 'old school', and no longer attending clubs or competing, I also tend to forget that such 'add ons' are allowed, in certain categories, nowadays.
At least when Eduard, and their associated 'consultant designers' produce and market something, you know it's going to be good. There are a few producers out there who appear to jump on the band wagon with bits for new kits, which sometimes turn out to be no better than the bits they're supposed to replace!

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