A few more future releases.

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Just seen the advert for the Tamiya Spit MkXVIe, coming soon, at a RRP of £135 in the UK !! Very nice kit, no doubt, but a tad too expensive.
Also spotted coming soon - Hobby Boss 1/32nd scale Spitfire MkVb, at around £40 (NOTE, less than a third of the price of the above!).
SAM Modellers data File on the F4U Corsair, around £17.
Fancy something BIG !?
Anigrand Craftwork have released two versions of the C141 Starlifter, in 1/72 nd scale, the C141A and C141B, as well as a C124 Globemaster. Not my 'bag', but should be impressive models. They're are a bit pricey, but then they are big models!
They have also released a whole host of 'different' subjects, including some unusual Russian stuff, as well as missiles such as the Titan, in 1/72nd scale, and some others in 1/144th scale.
They can be seen at Model Hobbies web site, currently in the 'New' section, as well as in the model kits sections.
The pricing of kits is a frequent discussion, and many agree it's down to value for money rather than price, and the likes of the new tamiya 1:32 Spit and the Airfix 1:24 Mossie although both over £100 each, people who have bought them say they are good value considering the sheer volume of quality detail you get. Same goes for the latest ship kits which are becoming well established in 1:350 but at over £100 each, but you are paying for the quality and quantity of detailed parts.

The C-17 in 1:72 sounds really impressive, not my thing, but I'd like to see one, perhaps the IPMS USAF SIG will have one on display at the next big show I go to.
The Airfix 1/48th scale Spitfire MkXII is now out, rrp £16, at Model Hobbies at £14.39.
Also now available, Anigrand Craftwork C-5 Galaxy, 1/72nd scale - price matches the size --£226 at Model Hobbies !!
I'll be getting the Spit, and will do a review. The C5 ? Er....No!
That's ok, I've got one of the Lightning kits in my cupboard from the previous release (bought second hand at one of our club sales)

It looks like a quality kit, but still a long way off a start date yet.
Couple of future releases from Italeri, in 1/72nd scale :- Short Sunderland Mk1 and Boeing Fortress Mk1. No prices available yet, seen on Hannant's web-site.
Max, an ME-410 only had a wingspan of about 54ft so in 1/32 that's 1.7 feet, a bit over 18in
B-25 had a wingspan of about 68ft so in 1/32 that's a bit over 2.1ft or 25in or so
Now the B-29 with a wingspan of 141ft comes in at almost 4.5ft that's extra room size or the
B-36 at 236ft would be over 7ft, even at 1/48 it's 4.8ft
That's the one I want
Should be a cracker of a kit. The downside is that the world will see yet another rendering of an already popular subject. Gimme new Tempests, Me 410's, etc in 1/48 and I'd be happier.
Oh boy! What to do now? If I preorder from HLJ I get it @ 20% off, which makes it 7840 yen, or about $93 US, if I wait, it goes up to 9800 yen, about $117 US, or do I wait to see what the ZM kit looks like? But if I wait to see what the ZM kit looks like then I miss the discount. The ZM Ta-152 was $95, plus shipping, thru Volks USA last year, what is their P-51 going to cost? Oh, the agony, agggggoooooonnnnny!!!

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