A few questions....

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Senior Master Sergeant
May 21, 2009
I opened the boxes and gave all parts a soap-and-water-wash, just to be safe. Rinsed thoroughly and dried them gently with some tissue.
And then I started thinking:
The Bf-109 and the Luftwaffe guys are the same size...wouldn't it be nice to make some kind of...I don't know what you call it in english, a kinda landscape scene with a bit of field runway for the plane, some kind of hangar or something, and the crew standing by or doing whatever they're doing?
Hmmm! *thinks*
Right now I'm just concentrating on painting and assembling the plane and the crew guys, but what will I need to start making a little scene like that one?
I've never made something like it before, and I think it could be fun.

For the base of it, you'll need some MDF board as it's sturdy but light. As for grass or landscape stuff, a good place to start is actually looking at model train environment items, as they're pre-made. They also tend to be kinda pricy though.
I say! Rather embarrassed now, what!?
Seem to have missed this one Maria. Have a look at Part One of the above mentioned guide, then if you have any questions, give me a shout. I'm currently working on Part Two of the guide, which shouldn't be long now (been saying that for months!).
You could always change the markings to another Gruppe of JG26 if you wish to portray France, or use the kit decals to show use before the move to Gela, Sicily. BTW, been there once - tried to miss landing in a well (scenes of 'The Longest Day' movie!) and landed in an olive tree instead. Took bl**dy ages to get the parachute canopy off the tree!
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Hi Catchy, and thanks for the input.

MDF - got that, I used to work recently at whaddyacallit...one of those stores that sell power tools, building materials, whatever you need to keep your house/garden/summer cottage/boat/car/whatever in a good shape.
I can probably get the carpenter to make me a nicely sized and prepared MDF board - and a little discount, too.
No prob.

And the model train environments - gotta check it out.
I remember that a childhood friend of mine and his father used to build those train environments, they had a huge wooden board in their basement, where they had built an entire landscape with different trains, mointains, houses and all, and I also remember that the trees, houses, etc., was rather pricey, but hey - we've got a free newspaper and web page, where people buy and sell used things - and maybe...with a little bit of luck, I can find something useful there. Gotta research that. *makes a mental note*

Yeah! Go for it, do a small diorama for the '109! I'm sure that there are plenty of people that'll jump in and help you out!

Well as you see, it's already happening.

Thanks Müller, the pdf-docu has now been dl'ed.

Embarassed? Me???

And I recognise that excuse for procrastinating with things one should have done...I use it myself, whenever ppl ask me when I'm going to update my BMW homepage again.
Hmm, how to change the markings? Look up a different plane profile on the web and go for that? *scratches head*
(Of course I'd go for one that fits with the proper plane model/type)

And landing in other places than on the flat ground at a parachute jump - I can't recommend that.
At best, it's annoying - at worst it's both noisy and messy.
At least you missed the well.

Anyway, thank you very much for the input, I seem to have some reading to do now...y'know, sometimes ppl put some links to PDF-files that can be downloaded, which is incredibly useful.
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I'd read your thread re JG26 in Sicily, so if you want to keep the same unit, and use the kit decals, it's fairly straight forward. It just means omitting one or two of the markings. If you want some more schemes for JG26 109E's from the period, including simple ones, without mottling on the sides, let me know.
Hell, I'm a sucker for sleeve-pulling and a coy 'please' with (perceived) fluttering eyelashes! Leave it with me and I'll dig out some JG26 (and JG2) '109E schemes and marking for France, 1940 to early '41. If you can, try to post the schemes and/or decals that are with the kit. I suppose you'd like some info on the airfields, what they looked like etc too?
Hi again Air.

Sure, no problem - I'm starting the scanner up right...*click*...now!
And the airfields and what they looked like would be very helpful, I'll sure appreciate that. *curtsies*
You hear that laddies, Terry's a sucker for sleeve-pulling and a coy 'please' with perceived fluttering eyelashes... If you need something done, you know what to do!
Ah Ha! you were posting as I was scanning!
Anyway, a very quick glance at your instruction sheet colour schemes tells me that the JG 26 machine can be built and painted as is, but leave off the white 'theatre' band around the tail. This will provide the markings as carried in France before deployment to Gela, Sicily. I need to confirm a couple of details on this, but you'll be OK with that one for most of the markings.
I'm going to watch those noisy boring things whizz around Silverstone for awhile, so I'll dig out and post some more stuff later. Meanwhile, here's a drawing of a few 109E details, and a selection of profiles covering the period September to November 1940, Battle of Britain. Only the top one is JG26 I'm afraid, with the early canopy. The final profile is one of my own, showing a II/JG53 109E4 in September 1940.
Bye for now,


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