A floaty, flying thingy. Trumpeter A6M2N Rufe

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Papa Tango Whiskey

Airman 1st Class
Jul 9, 2016
The modeling club I attend has a group build that has to do with anything that deals with water a.k.a. "wet willy". This was my subject since I have always been wanting to build a Rufe but the only ones were 48, 72 and this one. I jumped at the chance to get it going so here it is. Starting with the engine and like any other Trumpeter kit with a radial I always have some sort of issue of which I wont go into details and this is about as far as I got these past three days.


the closest I can get to aotakae is blue angel blue lightly sprayed over chrome.

front cylinder row


and the aft cylinder row



I doubt the engine or oile tanks will be visible but for now I just hope every thing just fits.
Thanks, all. In order to keep going and not really crank up the build I decided to continue on to the cockpit so that I can assemble the engine sub assembly in reverse to catch any issues and take care of them as they show up.

This is a pretty nice build of a cockpit so far. All the parts for the exception of the seat supports went in with out a hitch. I am using just one bit of AM on this and that is the Yahoo 1/24 scale zero pe ip. This is a pretty neat bit of detail as it has the instruments covered with clear film and sandwiched between its backing and the front fascia. I think it is better than Eduard's stuff so far.
This kit doesn't come with pe belts so I will have to try my hand at scratching some 24 scale zero belts for my self but that shouldn't be much of a problem.

The side walls with their levers and bits came out rather well and are mocking me to go and rush this to get it together but I will have to refrain if I want this to come out decent.

The office deck is nicely detailed


The side walls need just a bit more attention before weathering.



The ip does benefit with the application of the yahoo ip parts


Is this the 24? If so, I was pondering on building this just a couple of days ago, but decided it was time to get that old revell 1/32 bf110g finished off. Really want to see this come together
Is this the 24? If so, I was pondering on building this just a couple of days ago, but decided it was time to get that old revell 1/32 bf110g finished off. Really want to see this come together

Yes, it is the 24 scale one. If you start it I would suggest paying real close attention to how the engine goes together, especially the front bank of cylinders, or you will wind up in trouble.
I figured I am through fighting the engine assembly so I got it together and so what if it ain't right, Ill hide the flaws with the prop when I get that far. I laid down some Humbrol dark green and though it really isn't dark enough it will have to do as it is the only dark green shade I have. It kind of bubbled up on the wings so I am going to give it some time to cure then Ill sand the anomalies out and shoot them again. I have some bare spots that require some touch ups then I can get to the bottom gray color and continue on.



I like your worktable and base with the brackets that hold the plane, is homemade ?, is rotatable base?
I love watching accessory options that we all have and adopt the most appropriate in my constant hobby learning. :magnifyglass:

Pendiente al seguimiento, saludos. :thumbup:

Luis Carlos

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