A Message from Catch 22, our Friend Cory

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Nov 16, 2008
Not sure if I chose the right place to post this so, mods, please move to the appropriate spot if need be.

I got a PM today from Cory's father, Mark, who wanted to pass on some words from Cory. I met Mark a couple of times when he and Cory came to some of the local model shows. Although he denies it, Mark is an accomplished modeller himself and entered some really nice models in these shows as well. Hopefully Mark will post some of his work in the near future. Here is his note:

As things progressed with Cory's illness in early 2017, I was asked by Cory to let the Forum know of what was going on. I tried to locate your email and send a message, but was unsuccessful. As such, Cory's request went unfulfilled. Although I knew of the Forum, I didn't know which Forum, however, last week I came upon the Forum more by chance and now know those Cory kept in contact with on the Forum were made aware of his passing. I just wanted to let all on the Forum know that it was not only important for Cory to have a message passed along, but he specifically requested we do so.

I did not realize Cory had been on the Forum since 2007 and throughout that time I do know he regularly tapped into the knowledge you all shared. His conversations with you, meeting you and seeing your work was not only enlightening, but brought Cory along with his skills and he truly enjoyed your work. After reading the Forums responses to finding Cory had passed away, I now know why it was so important for him that a message be passed along. Our family wanted to let everyone know how much we appreciated the comments and thank them for their kindness.

Also, there was mention of a couple of models Cory had said he was building. There were several Cory had started and I have since finished in his honour. In time I hope to post pictures of these, although I didn't do them justice.

I will sign off now, but will likely be back on in the not so distant future. If you could do me the favour of passing this message along to the "regulars" Cory spoke with, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
Mark wanted to be sure that I pass on his appreciation for all the kind words that he and the family received on Cory's passing. He will post something in a little bit.
Thank you Andy for passing on the news.
It is a sad day today for me, Cory was a really cool guy and we always shared and discussed a lot of aviation when we pmed. A real good friend, my condolences to his family. I think there is always a silver lining and Cory can now talk and discuss with those great aviators and legends in heaven, RIP my friend.
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Possibly the saddest fact of life is the sure and certain knowledge that All good things, to an end, must come

Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine,
et lux perpetua luceat ei .
Requiescat in pace Cory
But he was just a kid was he not (he was 27 I see....that's still a kid for someone my age)? That makes it very hard. I can not begin to understand how the family might feel.

Losing a son or a daughter has to be about the worst thing that can happen in life. I have a LOT of trouble getting past that for a lot of reasons.....

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