A new book in my library.

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You're certainly getting ahead in the library stakes Paul, and a good score with the Hartmann book too!

Volume 5 of 'Luftwaffe Crash Archive' arrived yesterday, the other two I picked up at Newark Air Museum last week.
The 'Action Stations' book completes the set for me, although I'm short of two volumes, mainly covering areas with training and transport airfields.
The 'Airfields of the Eighth' is the 2006 edition, the ninth re-print, brand new, and although the 'now' photos were taken in the mid and late 1970's, it's still a fascinating, and large book, which I've wanted to add to my library for many years.


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Nice one's there Terry and Jan!!!!

I have to watch it now as Airventure is coming up on the 28th so wondering what I will find there in books :)
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nicely done Jan and Terry, hope my mate gets those Crash archive books soon....waiting on 4 and 5...

however the mail man did drop by today...:D


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A very quick look through Vol 5 of Luftwaffe Crash Archive has revealed another error. It doesn't detract from the overall content, although there may be more errors, and the books are well worth investing in.
I'm going to check with the son of one of the Luftwaffe crew from one of the aircraft featured in this volume, just to be absolutely certain, before contacting the authors and publisher.
Couple more arrived and 3 more ordered LOL


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