A new book in my library. (2 Viewers)

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I have the second edition which has 11 extra pages compared to the original edition which you have. According to Amazon, Warner updated some 700 entries in the 2nd edition based on access to records at the Air Historical Branch. I suspect the extra info was included in the lists of airframes associated with each chapter. Copies of the 2nd edition are going for silly money - $150+.

Despite the update, the book isn't free of errors. Warner repeats the oft-quoted misidentification of PT-coded Blenheims MkI as 62 Sqn, with the associated linkage to Sqn Ldr Scarf VC. That niggle aside, it's a wonderful volume and my go-to reference for all things Blenheim.
Thank you my friend. I believe it was spotting your copy in your bookcase photos that made me want a copy. This copy was cheap, but you are correct that the 2nd edition goes for Jan money! LOL
"Fair share" is such a subjective term...my concept of "fair" often seems to equate with Mrs Buffnut's idea of "excessive".

Actually, she's hugely tolerant of my obsession(s)...which probably explains why she's put up with me for so long.

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