A new book in my library. (3 Viewers)

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Not the book, but the bag...
Online shopping is still a new experience for me so I was surprised to see a small American book purchase arrive yesterday in this US Postal Bag.
A few items to lend scale. Oddly there is nothing on the bag to identify me, but there is on the book itself, which was nicely packaged. The bag was "sealed" with a cable-tie. At least it wasn't a severed head.

Is this a common experience?

Bag 001.jpg
Not the book, but the bag...
Online shopping is still a new experience for me so I was surprised to see a small American book purchase arrive yesterday in this US Postal Bag.
A few items to lend scale. Oddly there is nothing on the bag to identify me, but there is on the book itself, which was nicely packaged. The bag was "sealed" with a cable-tie. At least it wasn't a severed head.

Is this a common experience?

View attachment 488808

Humm never had it come in a postal bag.

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