A new book in my library.

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Nice purchase!
The Dunning's book on the Italian Air-force is a good one with a lot of information in it but with some errors, according to most known Italian experts.
Instead the one on Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana is probably the best available today.
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Thanks Alberto,

Yeah an to be perfectly honest I think you can find errors in just about every book but I got to say they both are very interesting
Done good there David!

My latest! suggested by Alberto, even though I don't read french they are pretty good for photo content and profiles!


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Nice looking book, with a great looking Macchi 205 Veltro/Greyhound; unless I am confusing it with similar/almost-identicle looking the Fiat G55 Sperrivo (spelling?)/Archer, upon its front cover.

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