A new book in my library.

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Just ordered "Resurrection: Salvaging the Battle Fleet at Pearl Harbor" by David Madsden. I've been looking for a book about the salvage of Pearl Harbor for over 20 years. This book just came out. Hope it's as good as it's reviews.

Finished this book last week.

I'm now halfway through this one. It may explain my fascination with Java Sea.
Glad it was only about a 1.5 cm tear. Well, small enough to not bother with sending it back for a replacement. Second time it's happened. First was Osprey's 'He111 Kampfgeschwader in the West' they managed to almost rip that in half across the spine. I was baffled because you physically wouldn't be able to do it by hand if you tried. Had to get a replacement that time. It scares you though when your awaiting a particularly rare out of print book just what kind of state it's going to be delivered as. :)
It certainly does cause concern - fortunately, I've been lucky so far, although I've received the odd kit where the box was crushed, although the contents were intact - and that's even with excellent packaging! Obviously no consideration for the service they supposedly provide - after large price increases and longer delays.
Anyway, look like interesting books !
Anyway, look like interesting books !

Yes, I've not had much chance to look at them yet. The Me410 walkaround photo booklet is ok for detailed shots and makes a nice addition to the free walkaround photos I can get from the net but like they say, you can never have enough detail photos. :)
Yep. I got permission to take a load of detail shots of the '410 last year. Unfortunately, as she was up on jacks at the time, the Museum's H&S coverage couldn't allow me into the cockpit - but I was allowed to crawl under her, with the cowlings and weapons bay open.
After having searched for a couple of years, I FINALLY obtained the missing volume to complete my collection of the Luftwaffe Classics series! The 4 books on the Me 262 IMHO are hard to beat.

Hi Neil. I have it from a good source that some of the earliest Classic volumes are unable to be reprinted... :)
I believe Vol 1 was reprinted as well, as the cover I have differs from most I've seen. I also had the same issue about finding them at reasonable prices (which is why it took so long to get them), here are the 3 sites I've used will looking for specific books.

BookFinder.com: Search Results (Matching Books)
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Me 262, Volume One by Eddie J. Creek, Gunter Sengfelder, J. Richard Smith, Jurgen Rosenstock, K. A. Merrick, Mike Norton, Stephen Ransom, J.Richard Smith | 9781903223109 | Get Textbooks | New Textbooks | Used Textbooks | College Textbooks - GetTextbo

I check them daily. GOOD LUCK!

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