A new book in my library.

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Yep, good stuff. Got the JG26 volumes on the computer, and Caldwell's 'Top Guns of the Luftwaffe' and Johnson's 'Wing Leader' in paper back, all great references.
interesting softback mag done up by author Chris Goss on V./KG 40's Ju 88C-6's with some interesting camo for you model builders out there. I need to secure a copy myself.....

Le catalogue de Avions Bateaux

under the cover note the pdf file to check out for a nice taste of what is inside and at 12.50 Euro a steal....

picked up Warriors and Wizards about the development/defeat of radio controlled bombs as well as Arctic Convoys 41-45 to Murmansk big heavy book full of data

I think most of that V./KG40 stuff is in Chris' book "Bloody Biscay" - if not all of it. If you need a copy Erich let me know.
Today's receipt, fresh off the press:

received David Wadmans volume 2 Aufklarung via Classic Pubs. nice section on SAGr. 130 which flew the Bv 138C-1 of which I have severaldocuments for one pilot
Looks like I'll have to make room on the shelves for the full set! I'm guessing there will be at least three volumes, if not more, and I've been waiting for something like this for many years - was even considering undertaking the research to find the photos and crash reports, but that would be difficult, living so far from the sources at RAFM and NA.
Apparently 6-10 volumes will be required to cover the whole war. The last will be a detailed index. Dependant on whether more photos/info is found the amount of volumes will grow. :)
Received my copy of Vol 1 of the Luftwaffe crash Archives today. I'll post a short review on the forum a little later. As the flyer shows, it's set to be 6 to 10 volumes, so methinks i'll need more shelf space!

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