A new book in my library.

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I just received this book I bought from e-bay:

The Me 109 in Italian Service.jpg

I know that this book is now almost 30 years old and suffers for its age, because more recent discoveries partially amended some information contained in it, but this is still a must for Italian people loving aviation history and I'm happy that finally I got it for a reasonable price.
Inside there are 168 b&w photos and 10 in colour, plus 15 colour profiles and more.

Jim - is that cutaway of a Nakajima C6N1 on the top centre cover....?

Sorry for delay Evan. It's actually the B6N Tenzan, the torpedo version. If you are still interested let me know what you are looking for exactly. Or you could just wait until I get the C6N one. Regards, Jim
Went to Hay-on-Wye recently (small town many, 2nd hand bookshops) bought:

- Global Mission by H H Arnold i.e. autobiography of 'Hap' Arnold - £10.00

- Masters and Commanders by Andrew Roberts - about the behind the scenes interplay between Churchill FDR and the Generals Marshall Brooke - £12.00

- Ten Days that saved the West by John costello - about all the intrigue involved with Hess coming to Britain, intrigue from all sides - British 'right', MI6, Joe Kennedy, Soviets etc - fascinating - £10.00

- The Most Dangerous Enemy by Stephen Bungary - well I already had the paperback, but just as I did with Terraine's Right of the Line - I got the hardback version - £8.00

- Images of War : Torpedo Bombers by Peter C Smith - a good overview of development and practise around the world - £4.99

All in excellent condition.

Haven't really started on any of these yet, not long started Defeat to Victory by Field Marshal Viscount Slim - that I got from the Works - £2.49
Good haul there Merlin.
Just ordered this, due for release on 1st March. Looking at the sample pages on the 'Wing Leader' publishing web-site, it's well worth it - looking forward to getting my grubby, twisted hands on it!


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I'll let you know Jim, and yes Andy, from the sample pages I looked at, I think it'll be a great reference, especially for BoB stuff. (it's already clarified something for one of my museum projects!).
OK, at £25 for a soft back (A4 size), it's a tad pricey, but considering the work involved in research, cataloging, and the photos, many multiple views, I think it deserves the price tag - and the introductory offer knocks off £5, so only paying £20.
This is Volume One, from 1939 to the height of the BoB, so i'm guessing there'll be another two or three volumes yet to come.
I'll post a review of sorts, when I get my copy.
This may be mundane for some but I'm really stoked about my recent addition to my library.

I've owned Don Caldwell's "JG 26 War Diary: Part 1 -1939-1942" for about 14 years. I've never been able to find Part 2. Today I'm out with the Pre-Wife doing some shopping and we stop at Barnes and Noble for something she needs. I check the WWII section and....lo and behold there is a paperback copy of Part 2!!!!

Needless to say, ITS MINE!!!!!!

interesting softback mag done up by author Chris Goss on V./KG 40's Ju 88C-6's with some interesting camo for you model builders out there. I need to secure a copy myself.....

Le catalogue de Avions Bateaux

under the cover note the pdf file to check out for a nice taste of what is inside and at 12.50 Euro a steal....

picked up Warriors and Wizards about the development/defeat of radio controlled bombs as well as Arctic Convoys 41-45 to Murmansk big heavy book full of data
I've just been given "Wing Leader" by Group Captain Johnny Johnson. It'll take a bit to get past the way its written (1950's english), but it looks to be an interesting read.

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