A new book in my library.

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in my search for documentation to be used to build my Gustav, I found and purchased this booklet:

In about 100 pages you will find many pictures and detailed information on features that allow to identify one version from an other. For instance see here:

From the same source I also got an other booklet (113 pages) on Luftwaffe camouflage

Again a lot of detailed info, like this original painting schematic

Unfortunately both of them are in French and this could be an issue for someone.
On the other hand, a lot of info for 11.50 Euro each. (The second booklet cost 14.50 Euro)
If you are at all interested, you can go here
Aérojournal : Nos Hors-Série
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just to add that I've been told, via an other forum, that the author of above books, Mr. Jean-Claude Mermet has a very good reputation as historian and this add extra value to them.


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Hi folks,
because i have this one already in my library :

i had to order this and it came just with the mail :

Helps me to fill a gap in my collection


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