A new book in my library.

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This arrived today, and I'm already half way through reading it ! So far, I've learned more about the history of Poland, and the PAF, than I ever knew, and my already deep respect for the contribution of Polish personnel in the RAF has now more than doubled !
I can thoroughly recommend this book !


  • Can Jan 353.jpg
    Can Jan 353.jpg
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This arrived today, and I'm already half way through reading it ! So far, I've learned more about the history of Poland, and the PAF, than I ever knew, and my already deep respect for the contribution of Polish personnel in the RAF has now more than doubled !
I can thoroughly recommend this book !

Please Repeat ! Please Repeat ! Please Repeat ! ( out of the BoB movie)

My respect also for the polish flyers.

Looks like a good one David. Another, if you can still get it, is 'Duxford Eagles', about the 78th FG, and also 'Debden Eagles', on the 4th FG. Can't remember the authors though !
I'm looking for a book "THE AEGEAN PIRATES - The history of 15 Squadron SAAF in WW2. Can anyone help me?


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Nice one Thomas.
Dominik, like the others, no luck I'm afraid finding Aegean Pirates. I even asked my local library if they could obtain a copy, without success. It looks like it might have been privately published, hence the low print run, so it's a case of continuing to look out for it in second - hand book shops, and similar web-sites etc.

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