A new book in my library.

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.....and this wee gem, arrived today as well!

Thanks old boy! Think I might invest in that old volume then. Got a book signed by Beamont somewhere - he used to be President of the PFA, and saw him at a few 'Fly In' events.
Got given a copy of "From Timaru to Stalag VIIIB" By Jack Hardy:


This story captures the joy of flying, the excitement of training as a bomber pilot - and the horror of being shot down and captured in World War II. Worse was to come: airmen were handcuffed every day in their prison camp as punishment for the damage they inflicted on Germany. Jack's survival in the camp, and on the gruelling march to freedom, are an inspiring read, told with typical Kiwi humour and modesty.

What's even better - Its a first edition, and its signed!
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Great catch there Gum, and good one Jan.
Could only find a battered, ex-Library copy of the Typhoon book, at £9.95 plus shipping. Not paying that for a battered book sold by the library for between 50 Pence and £1 !
Only other copies ranged between £37 and £171 !!! For a book published in 1974 which, although reasonable, is nothing stunning!
So, I've ordered the combined edition, 'Mosquito, Typhoon and Tempest at War' - both books combined, with extra material, in good condition, for £4.95.

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