A new book in my library.

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..anyone noticed that the Classic Smith/Creek Fw 190 Vol 3 is currently the 'best-selling' military aircraft book on amazon - and now the pre-orders have shipped (£34) they've even dropped the price to £27 !! (indicated RRP is £55 ). While I personally don't believe that this sort of aggressive pricing is good for the publishing industry (definitely not the niche or retail side of it anyway..) how can you pass up such a bargain..
Whooo Hooo happy camper, all 4 showed up in the mail today. Terry I would pick up book 2 if its that cheap to complete the set. I really like how it tells you the references on things on where the info came from.
Going to grab it next week, from the source Neil provided, once more dosh arrives in my Bank account!
Just scored these....


Got this one for 0.01 quid..


Got this one for 5.98 quid..


Got this one for 0.77 quid..

Halifax at War.jpg

Got this one for 2.01 quid..


Got this one for 1.99 quid..


....and finally, got this one for 0.01 quid..
You mean you read those things?!
Good haul on the 'At War' books old chap. Let me know what the Mossie book is like, when you get it. As discussed earlier, I might just add that one, and the Typhoon/Tempest, to my 'At War' collection.
..just had a strange note from author Eddie Creek re the brand-new Fw 190 book (Vol 3) - he said 'take the dust jacket off ' and ' we are not responsible..'


well having got over my surprise, I don't honestly feel it will spoil my enjoyment of owning the book...on the other hand the publisher might pulp the whole lot and it could turn into a rare tome..feel very sorry for the authors after 40 years of work!
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