A new book in my library.

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pre-ordered my Vol 3 Dora yonks ago too, its marked "dispatched" but no sign of it yet...to be honest a little bit apprehensive re the contents given that Crandall Japo must have covered just about everything there is to know about the Dora, hopefully though Mr Creek will have much more on the operational history of the type compared to the other publishers..

I think it's fair to say that both assumptions are correct. I haven't had time yet to give it a thorough going over but initially it does cover much of the Crandall/JaPo material, it couldn't really not do that. The latter two thirds of the book does spend more time on operational use of the later versions, as well as a bit of "what iffery".
Visited the Conservation Center at the RAF Museum, Cosford today (pics to follow when edited), and grabbed this bargain at the Museum shop.
Discounted by 63%, plus a further 10% Member's discount - so £11.69 instead of £35 !
Just got to find Volume 2 at a similar price now!


  • Buys 289.jpg
    Buys 289.jpg
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Well done guys!!!

Terry how is that book. I hope to have both Volume 1 and 2 by tomorrow or Saturday.
I've only had a brief 'flip' through it so far Paul, but it seems reasonable. Volume 1 covers all the KG's and sub-units up to KG60, with histories, ORBATs, aircraft, commanders, key operations and so on and, although at first glance the photo content seems 'average', there are some I don't think I've seen before. All in all I thuink it should prove a useful reference ., but, being brutally honest, I think I would have had to think carefully before buying it at the 'normal' price of £35.
The Ju88 book was alongside on the shelf, at a reduced price of £60 and, having flipped through that one, albeit briefly, I wasn't prepared to pay that sort of money for what appeared to be a reasonable, but probably not brilliant book.
I think it's fair to say that both assumptions are correct. I haven't had time yet to give it a thorough going over but initially it does cover much of the Crandall/JaPo material, it couldn't really not do that. The latter two thirds of the book does spend more time on operational use of the later versions, as well as a bit of "what iffery".

Hi Steve,

...my copy of the Creek/Smith Fw 190 Vol 3 1944-45 has arrived. Lovely book, nice glossy paper, pages crammed with pics and artwork except for the occasional photo reproduced large. First impressions; the Dora content is actually not that extensive, its mostly devoted again to the Anton with chapters on 'special weapons' foreign use etc etc..quite a few photos that were new to me...the occasional howler too, an entire page (817) is given over to Hannes Theiss' 6./ JG 300 'yellow 9' 'Roter Hahn' ('Red rooster') - the inscription is quite visible in the pic- and artwork ..but is captioned as a 7. Staffel JG 1 machine!

@ Steph...I like those Luftwaffe Gallery books too you are missing the JG 26 'special' though
@ Terry - Vol II, £14.99 at Henry Pordes.com, I was at Manston last week (Hurricane/Spitfire museum) and they've got the Schlacht/dive bomber volumes by the same authors at a similar price and they're still at £30-ish even on amazon...
@Jan - where can one get that Saab 17 book ?
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I've only had a brief 'flip' through it so far Paul, but it seems reasonable. Volume 1 covers all the KG's and sub-units up to KG60, with histories, ORBATs, aircraft, commanders, key operations and so on and, although at first glance the photo content seems 'average', there are some I don't think I've seen before. All in all I thuink it should prove a useful reference ., but, being brutally honest, I think I would have had to think carefully before buying it at the 'normal' price of £35.
The Ju88 book was alongside on the shelf, at a reduced price of £60 and, having flipped through that one, albeit briefly, I wasn't prepared to pay that sort of money for what appeared to be a reasonable, but probably not brilliant book.

Thanks Terry, yeah I am still waiting on mine LOL Not hear yet :(

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