A new siggy for Csrruss.

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Siggy Master
Jun 19, 2005
Hi Csrruss !!!

Here some of your new signs.I hope they could be acceptable by you.
A proper size of them hasn't been given so far :( ,therefore I've put the ones in size I made.Let me know if you need to resize them and what the size you want.In my opinion,they look good from 500x193 to 600x232 pixels.



  • siggy3.jpg
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  • siggy6.jpg
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  • siggy7_3.jpg
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  • siggy8_winter.jpg
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  • siggy9_5a.jpg
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Absolutely excellent work Wurger ! :thumbright: Man how I would've liked that 2nd last one, thats certainly the one to pick if you ask me.
nifty work Würger, my thought is to get rid of the Luftwaffe eagle as it has nothing to do with the background items ............

have fun !
Yeap,Erich.I agree with you but it was Csrruss' wish to leave this eagle.
Thank you.
A nice badge.Thank you very much ,Soren.I'll use if Csrruss send me an answer.Unfortunately he hasn't been on line for some time.I have to wait.Thanks anyway.:)
evangilder said:
Wurger, you do some excellent work! Do you do graphics art for work? If not, you should consider it.

Thank you very much Evan.I'm glad that you like my work.As far as doing graphic art for work is concerned I have never considred it and you may be right I should.Anyway, thanks a lot again.:D
Here all variants of your siggy ,Csrruss.


  • Csrruss_siggy#2.zip
    14.8 MB · Views: 147
  • Csrruss_siggy.zip
    6.5 MB · Views: 154
evangilder said:
Wurger, you do some excellent work! Do you do graphics art for work? If not, you should consider it.

Uh..sorry, but he just put ready elements into the picture, nothing special, really.
And it does not even look nice, more like ****, too much things for such small picture!
Actually, its pretty hard and time consuming to get an effect like that done so well. Especially the fading, doing that can be a right b1tch.

You show us one better than that buddy before you go around making accusations like that, and read up some older threads to learn how things operate round here or youll get booted before you can even load up photoshop.
vince said:
Uh..sorry, but he just put ready elements into the picture, nothing special, really.
And it does not even look nice, more like ****, too much things for such small picture!

Strong words from a newbie and a newbie who does not even have a sig to speak of!!!!:rolleyes:
vince said:
Uh..sorry, but he just put ready elements into the picture, nothing special, really.
And it does not even look nice, more like ****, too much things for such small picture!

Hey NOOBIE I have some advice for you! Take your attitude and straighten it out right away! We dont tolerate it around here, especially when someone whose forum balls have not even dropped yet.

If you dont correct yourself you will find yourself getting hit by the door on your way out before you even know what happened...
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
Hey NOOBIE I have some advice for you! Take your attitude and straighten it out right away! We dont tolerate it around here, especially when someone whose forum balls have not even dropped yet.

If you dont correct yourself you will find yourself getting hit by the door on your way out before you even know what happened...

Forum balls have not even dropped yet....LMFAO for that one Chris you get the BIG GOLD STAR for the day for that funny one.


  • Snap561.jpg
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