A solution to the war in Iraq

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1st Sergeant
May 31, 2007
A solution to the war in Iraq is being sold on eBay by a US Army intelligence officer fed up with the conflict and anxious to attract some attention to what he says is a viable and face-saving solution to the four-year-old conflict. "This is not a flippant or facetious offer...if you are the high bidder, I will send you a viable solution to the conflict in which we are currently engaged," the seller says in the bid.
The lot comes with a price tag of $A5.75 million and if not sold will go to the highest bidder when the auction ends on Sunday. The top bid so far is $A23.59. A US newspaper said the seller was a US Army military intelligence officer.

The Daily Advertiser Wednesday July 18
That A bombs were going so cheap on Ebay.

Just someone else trying to make a profit off the war. If hes so fed up with the conflict why not give it to the US instead of trying to be Donald Trump. Actions speak louder than words.

There's another guy with an auction for information on crop circles, flying saucers and alien abductions. Probably more believable than this "US Army military intelligence officer".
I know the answer to crop circles; it was started by 2 English WW2 vets with a stick and a bit of string on their caps to check they were moving in a straight line, and were subsequently copied all over the world. I'm not joking btw, that is really what happened
LOL... I read this at another place..And was thinking .. "He's got a A-bomb for sale"..

Not the only one thinking this I see ...Is this good or bad ...At the start of the war in the ME I was hoping there was some other way of working it out other then getting real nasty.. I'm coming to see theres not..Sad


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