Adelaide Model Expo (2009)

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some more....


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It's a beaut model, but personally, I think the pose distracts from it slightly. Maybe it's the short length of the deck section or something, but it doesn't portray the movement. Had it been shown poised for launch on the shuttle, or just on deck, I think it would have been better. But, I stress, an excellent model.
Good observations, Airframes. I agree with you. Panel lines are a little heavy too. {enough from the peanut gallery... beyond my skill level}
I was wondering that with the first shots. Maybe if the wire was included, with the hook having just started to pull, it would be more effective. But, still an excellent model, although I agree with Matt, the panel lines are just a trifle heavy maybe?
Still, it's not an easy thing to do, to try to replicate the look of a carrier-borne aircraft, which often display the signs of life at sea. I bet it looks great in the 'flesh' though!!
and the other entry....second of course! Aussie Mirage.


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