Aircraft Identification V

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O.K., next one.

Hi Krabat!

MiG-21I "Analog"

Interesting aircraft Krabat. The 'name' depends on which decade the reference book was published. From the 80's it was called the MiG A-144. From the 90's it was called the Mig 21I Analog. Either way it was derived from a Mig 21S in order to investigate the wing for the Tupolev Tu-144. But the silly thing was that the Analog flew two years later than planned, such that the paint was dry and Tu-144 SSS-68001 was already undergoing ground testing.

(Do you want the photographer's name and shoe size Krabat? :lol: Where's Chris these days?)

Back to me. Another one...

The only thing I can say that this plane has the main body from an Sukhoi Su-11. But the wings? :confused:
(Do you want the photographer's name and shoe size Krabat? Where's Chris these days?)

Well, I could go with his GRU-file this time. :lol: Chris is fine, he emailed me an hour ago. I will see him tomorrow in my kitchen. He's very good at killing my stores of czech beers. Gotta find something to keep him busy, maybe peeling potatoes. :lol:

For the new one, I've no idea yet. Looks american, right? Big radial. But the tail is strange.

Vultee V-11 GB2F.

Now what about it:

I'm sorry I have a problem to post my photo.

So I give you my place Graeme but I just want to re-take it (I don't know if the word exist (scuse me)) when I will could put my photo.

Best weshes;
I'm sorry I have a problem to post my photo.

So I give you my place Graeme but I just want to re-take it (I don't know if the word exist (scuse me)) when I will could put my photo.

Best weshes;

Your photo uploaded fine, on this side of the world Storch. (Welcome to the forum by the way!)

It's the Government-built Mexican Scout Biplane, officially termed a Microplano

Thank you for your welcome!!

Glamouration Graeme beaucose The Microplano was not very easy.I'm very surprised thet you find immediatly the palne without indications :shock:

For the new one, I'm searching 8) ...
I'm very surprised thet you find immediatly the palne without indications

Well, you got to know that Graeme is sitting all day long behind his keyboard surrounded by aviation books and waiting for quiz-pictures. I'm sure his wife brings him coffee and cookies every hour or so. :lol: He knows that the world will end the day when he's unable to identify a plane. There's even a religion built around this, so it must be true. :D :D
I have maybe somthing difficult for Graeme but I must find his quiz who's not easy...

The plane is American?

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