"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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A place like this has several advantages: the wide variety of experience of the posters, the vast array of resources all of us have different from each other and, finally, the differences in political temperaments. While we don't discuss politics, it inevitably colors the analysis that we make on these issues. Different opinions give slightly different analysis that, together, make a better overall picture than someplace (most news organizations left or right) that has all similar people working for it.

I know I've found a great deal of value here.

Unfortunately I couldn't find a "Huge Bacon" for you, here you have a "huge like" medal, first class in cement.
So this morning, I get an email from a long time friend that has a screenshot accompanied by his comment:

Had a friend in Australia send me this, I had already done the research and knew this, but he confirmed...

I've tried several times to compose a proper reply, but I honestly don't know what to say in reply.

Seriously guys, I've known him for like 26 years and he's always been level headed and pretty well informed.

But this sh*t totally blew me away.
So this morning, I get an email from a long time friend that has a screenshot accompanied by his comment:
View attachment 660059
Had a friend in Australia send me this, I had already done the research and knew this, but he confirmed...

I've tried several times to compose a proper reply, but I honestly don't know what to say in reply.

Seriously guys, I've known him for like 26 years and he's always been level headed and pretty well informed.

But this sh*t totally blew me away.

I have a friend who believes this as well. It's scary because he is an educated person. Prior to a few years ago he was not so "crazy", and something just switched in him. He is a "Q" now. Needless to say our friendship us suffering.
The Soviet doctrine was to never throw anything away. I imagine there a thousands of T-55 tanks stored somewhere just in case the T-72s don't get through.
Not only Soviets, but also the US have lots of old planes, and possibly lots of other equipment, grounded and stored ...

If they don't fit for museums, or they don't want to sell them, why they keep them???

To get rid of them in proxy wars??? Or they stored them, so they can sell them more expensive, when anyone ran out of materials???
I have a friend who believes this as well. It's scary because he is an educated person. Prior to a few years ago he was not so "crazy", and something just switched in him. He is a "Q" now.
Yeah, I've known several people who buy into that "Q" thing and I've tried telling them on several occasions that this fantasy bullsh*t is distracting them from the real picture.

But they won't have it. 😠
Not only Soviets, but also the US have lots of old planes, and possibly lots of other equipment, grounded and stored ...

If they don't fit for museums, or they don't want to sell them, why they keep them???

To get rid of them in proxy wars??? Or they stored them, so they can sell them more expensive, when anyone ran out of materials???
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot that equipment was lost. Shipping records misfiled.
Not only Soviets, but also the US have lots of old planes, and possibly lots of other equipment, grounded and stored ...

If they don't fit for museums, or they don't want to sell them, why they keep them???

To get rid of them in proxy wars??? Or they stored them, so they can sell them more expensive, when anyone ran out of materials???
As U.S. equipment gets dated, they're offered to National Guard units and/or to smaller nations.

If they're beyond a certain age or battlefield fitness, they'll end up in a storage depot for eventual surplus sale or scrapping.

Most aging aircraft end up at a facility in the desert, ships go to one of several locations to be "mothballed" and tanks/vehicles are stored in various storage facilities.
Well, there are people with nazi ideologies in pretty much every European nation, as well as the US, Canada and elsewhere. The Azov Battalion is one well-known example and it clearly contains some repulsive characters among its membership. Since that unit was employed in the Donbas, I'm wondering if there were some localized atrocities committed by its members, and it's those actions that have stoked Putin's ire. Again, that doesn't justify indiscriminate shelling of civilians...but, equally, units like the Azov Battalion shouldn't have any role in any Government's defensive or special forces capabilities.
Well, according to various sources, the civil war raging in Donbass since 2014 claimed some 13000-14000 lives. The hatred between ethnic groups must be quite strong.

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