"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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re "sviniosabaki"

There is a ~corruption/simplification of a Bangla phrase (s'vini osaba ki) meaning literally "What is all that?" or normal usage "What is going on?" or a polite way of saying "What the Hell?". I do not know for sure if this is the only source of the word/phrase.
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Even if Pootface is charged with war crimes, how the hell are you going to arrest his nasty a$$?
There's got to be a bunch of high ranking officers who got to be pretty uncomfortable right now. How 'bout justice and decency get raped, the generals stage a purge with the understanding Pooty will get away to some country (Switzerland?, China?). Pootface gets to keep a billion as a consolation prize for NOT incinerating the Earth.
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I would think that Putin putting a gun to his head deep in an embattled bunker would be more fitting.

Fully agree with you GrauGeist, provided he doesn't have access to the launch codes.
The problem is that he probably does have the codes. Why else would he keep making threats and moving weapons to Belarus? The 'LEADERSHIP" of Belarus need to realize that they too would be exterminated with the Russians. Even Putin's predecessors knew that nuclear was not a realistic option. But then what we have here is a mentally unstable animal, not a human being.
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It may sound terrible, but I would like to be the one to personally execute Putin. Probably because I grew up in a "Better Dead Than Red" era. I'm only sorry that age, health, and lack of a passport prevent me from going to hunt Russian 'rabbits".l More sporting than American rabbits since US rabbits don't shoot back.
I have learned more from this site than from watching the talking heads on the network news.

A place like this has several advantages: the wide variety of experience of the posters, the vast array of resources all of us have different from each other and, finally, the differences in political temperaments. While we don't discuss politics, it inevitably colors the analysis that we make on these issues. Different opinions give slightly different analysis that, together, make a better overall picture than someplace (most news organizations left or right) that has all similar people working for it.

I know I've found a great deal of value here.
More precision targeting, this time Borodyanka:


Marcel Marcel asked for inputs from the Russian side...well here are a few. First up is Abbas Gallyamov (Note: I caveat this report because he's speaking to Western media and so may be trotting out stories that they now the West wants to hear, rather than his true opinions):

Vladimir Putin's former speechwriter, Abbas Gallyamov, worked under Putin for three years when he first became president of Russia and has described him as "illogical and irrational".

He says Putin aimed for "Russian troops to enter the border, the Ukrainians would surrender and [President] Zelensky would flee away to the USA".

He says Putin's ideologies derived from never "hearing objections or criticism" from those around him and believes he's become "the victim of his own system he created".

Gallyamov says Putin would see the sanctions put in place by the West as something he'd need "cancelling", along with Ukraine "meeting [his] demands to not join Nato".

Both would be reason enough for Putin to relax his current stance, he says.

And now Rifat Shaykhutdinov, a Russian MP speaking to national TV:

A Russian MP has said Moscow started planning for an invasion of Ukraine 12 months ago.

"We did not prepare this, this operation spontaneously," State Duma member Rifat Shaykhutdinov said on state-controlled Channel One TV on Wednesday.

"It had been in preparation for a year, maybe more. We understood what [was happening] and had been warning them in advance," he said in remarks on Channel One's daily talk show Time Will Tell.

He suggested that Russia would have come under attack had it not invaded.

"As soon as intelligence data arrived... that we would beat them by two days by attacking, of course we are defending our citizens there above all."

Shaykhutdinov's statement is particularly interesting as it, again, displays the typical Russian art of making claims (e.g. "Russia would have come under attack") without offering any evidence or even say who would be doing the attacking. Is he really suggesting that Ukraine would attack Russia? Or is the the NATO bogeyman again?

Anyhoo...I offer these insights for whatever they're worth...
We're really missing input from the Russian side. Our view, or at least mine, is coloured by our western background. I really try to be objective, but it's hard to be that in a situation like this.
This is something I can agree on. I regularly read online media from all over the world, sometimes with the help of google translate. Those who allow open comments are particularly interesting because you get a glimpse of what people think. I can tell you that, outside of the western world, most of the comments I read, regardless of the nation, are pro Russia. This includes some developed countries as well. The reasons are different: some of these people have been directly or indirectly at the 'receiving end' of western democracy. Other had a colonial past, other yet think that western people only care about their short term profit and lack any moral compass.

It would be simplistic to label these online comments as the product of some 'keyboard warriors' or doubt their veracity because these people resides in countries which we are told they don't allow freedom of speech. It's a sentiment I've felt travelling all over the world in the years. That's also the reason why Asia, South America and Africa are slowly pivoting away from the western world, even if means falling into the embrace of China

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