"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Well, according to various sources, the civil war raging in Donbass since 2014 claimed some 13000-14000 lives. The hatred between ethnic groups must be quite strong.

As you note, it was a civil war and they're always bloody. No doubt there were atrocities on both sides. It's clear that neither side abided by the Minsk accords. It's also pretty clear that Russia was stoking the fire by providing arms and undercover forces to implement the insurrection in the first place. Unfortunately, neither side seemed interested in actually negotiating a settlement. That still doesn't justify what we're seeing today.
So this morning, I get an email from a long time friend that has a screenshot accompanied by his comment:
View attachment 660059
Had a friend in Australia send me this, I had already done the research and knew this, but he confirmed...

I've tried several times to compose a proper reply, but I honestly don't know what to say in reply.

Seriously guys, I've known him for like 26 years and he's always been level headed and pretty well informed.

But this sh*t totally blew me away.

Yeah...I feel for you. I can't get my head around this kind of stupidity. The most frustrating part is that any attempt to show how their "knowledge" is incorrect is merely met with the "that's fake news" statement.

However...just to try and bring some common sense to this ridiculous notion, it should be noted that if you bomb a bio lab, then the bio weapons get released into the atmosphere. Why are there no reports of Russian troops or Ukrainian civilians suffering from the effects of these bio weapons? Why is Putin not crowing about taking out these labs?

I know there's no way to convince these conspiracy theorists that they're mistaken...but the lack of basic critical thinking skills simply astounds me.
....tanks/vehicles are stored in various storage facilities.
I believe one place the tanks and vehicles go to is the Sierra Army Depot (SIAD). Sierra Army Depot - Wikipedia


More pleas from Russia to end the war:

Russia's second-largest oil producer, Lukoil, is calling for an end to the conflict in Ukraine.

In a statement on its website, the company said it was concerned by the "tragic events in Ukraine" and supported the negotiations to end the conflict.

Its board called for "the immediate cessation of the armed conflict and fully supports its resolution through the negotiation process and through diplomatic means".

The company is thought to be one of the first major Russian firms to speak out against the invasion.
Yeah...I feel for you. I can't get my head around this kind of stupidity. The most frustrating part is that any attempt to show how their "knowledge" is incorrect is merely met with the "that's fake news" statement.

However...just to try and bring some common sense to this ridiculous notion, it should be noted that if you bomb a bio lab, then the bio weapons get released into the atmosphere. Why are there no reports of Russian troops or Ukrainian civilians suffering from the effects of these bio weapons? Why is Putin not crowing about taking out these labs?

I know there's no way to convince these conspiracy theorists that they're mistaken...but the lack of basic critical thinking skills simply astounds me.
They are missing the art of critical thinking. A good read for anyone who wants to improve himself in that area https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/1990/01/22165233/p50.pdf
I believe one place the tanks and vehicles go to is the Sierra Army Depot (SIAD). Sierra Army Depot - Wikipedia

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SAD is about an hour and a half drive east of me, here in Northern California.

Several local law enforcement agencies have received vehicles from them like HumVees and even a South African Army Casper (armored car).

There's quite a few others across the U.S., too.
So this morning, I get an email from a long time friend that has a screenshot accompanied by his comment:
View attachment 660059
Had a friend in Australia send me this, I had already done the research and knew this, but he confirmed...

I've tried several times to compose a proper reply, but I honestly don't know what to say in reply.

Seriously guys, I've known him for like 26 years and he's always been level headed and pretty well informed.

But this sh*t totally blew me away.
Total batshit crazy! The sad thing is that they believe the delusional crap.
I believe one place the tanks and vehicles go to is the Sierra Army Depot (SIAD). Sierra Army Depot - Wikipedia

View attachment 660061

This reminds me of a Cal Worthington commercial.
"If you're looking for an auto or a tank,
If you're looking for an auto or a tank,
If you buy a tank, I'll eat a bug!"
A small glimmer of hope?

Ukrainian negotiator Mykhailo Podolyak says the sides have reached an understanding on "jointly securing humanitarian corridors to evacuate peaceful civilians, and also on supplying medicine and food to the places of the most fierce fighting".

He adds there is a possibility, "I stress, with a possibility of a temporary ceasefire for the evacuation period in certain sectors".

The Ukrainian report on the talks jives with comments by the Russian presidential aide and former culture minister Vladimir Medinsky who told news channel Rossiya 24 it was possible to find mutual understanding on some points of negotiation - "the main issue that we resolved today is the issue of saving people, civilians who found themselves in the zone of military clashes".

He says the two defence ministries have agreed a format for maintaining humanitarian corridors "for the exit of the civilian population [and] on the possible temporary cessation of hostilities in the sector of the humanitarian corridor for the period of the exit of the civilian population".

"I think that this is significant progress," he adds.

News agency Reuters is reporting that the next round of talks will take place at the start of next week.
With a box of crayons.
Whoa, Chris, not so fast! They may be Uncle Sam's Misguided Children, but they ain't all dummies. Three of the top five in my fast track Avionics "A" School class were Marines, one of them female, and our class was only 15% Marine and 5% female. All the Marines were in the top quarter of the class. Semper Fi where it's due. Good thing, because they had to endure hand-me-down equipment.

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