"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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I chatted to a Czech friend about these and he says it's wild - the far right and the far left marching together and having a pro-Russian love in. He commented that they basically found common ground about being anti-vaxx/anti-lockdowns during COVID and have now taken it to the next level. He doesn't feel like it amounts to anything - accorrding to him, Czech people are much more supportive of the EU and NATO that they were before the Ukraine invasion.

The main trigger is cost of living stuff - most Czech people feel like they're under pressure financially and they think winter is going to be bad with a shortage of gas.

Interestingly, he says the protestors are either really young or older and right leaning. Not many in the 25-55 age bracket.

It caught my attention because they are so much closer to danger than this American. I hope his statement that "Czech people are much more supportive of the EU and NATO than they were before the Ukraine invasion" is accurate.

I get the cost-of-living stuff, but that will happen even if Ukraine rolls over and plays dead. Russia will still toy with oil and grain exports for sake of leverage. It calls for a little toughness no matter how this ends up. The fact of it being launched at all means that markets were doomed to unease. And there is still fallout from COVID etc that has discombobulated the world's economy.

From my distant view, it's hard to feel sympathy for their cause, except that I'm sure it will be a tough winter and that sucks.
The F-16 is a capable air-air platform and (with PGM) can attack ground targets. No matter what you do to an A-10, its air-air capabilities are negligible.

What the best combat aircraft for Ukraine is, obviously, a question that only the Ukrainians can answer. I suspect the F-16 would be an excellent choice, as it's an excellent and versatile aircraft.
Maybe a dozen Grippens to hold them over until a more adequate F-16 infrastructure is developed. Hey, I just wanna' get 'em something. MiG -29s are cool and all that but, you know.
Would India willingly give its state of the art Russian fighters? They seem to be getting stellar service from their Russian aircraft carrier.

I wasn't serious about the Grippen.

India is busy fitting out its new carrier. They probably want any and all good -29 airframes, if, for nothing else, spare parts.
No matter what you do to an A-10, its air-air capabilities are negligible.
Except that (as has been stated before several times) the A-10's pilots are schooled in "Basic Flight Maneuvers" the same as fighter pilots.
The A-10 carries air-to-air missiles for self defense (like fighters), it has a full suite of ECM and as secondary insurance, is able to lead-target an aggressor with the GAU-8's gunsight.

Contrary to popular belief, the A-10 is not helpless.
The TB-2s can fly top cover for A-10s. Only half joking as there seem to be more Bayraktars now and flying into combat zones. I get a big kick out of looking at those SAM radars getting zapped.
Looks like Ukraine is having some success with local advances in Kherson Oblast. Reports are that Russian forces have been thrown out of about a half dozen villages in the Northeast of the region in the last two days, and Ukraine is retaking ground along three axes.

Russia may be undertaking preparations for a shortening of its lines in the area. Western intelligence reports that Russian logistics assets are being pulled back towards some of the larger towns on the western banks of the Dnipro.

Russian tank losses in the area have also been heavy - Ukraine claimed its destroyed 27 in the past three days.
The TB-2s can fly top cover for A-10s. Only half joking as there seem to be more Bayraktars now and flying into combat zones. I get a big kick out of looking at those SAM radars getting zapped.
If you get a chance, look up what the A-10 carries in the way of ordnance besides it's cannon.
It's literally a flying dump truck (which also includes self-defense hardware like the AIM-9).
Alleged Russian video of the aftermath of the alleged event. I agree with the commentators, this looks pretty fake

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