"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Yep…true to form, Kremlin-leaning news agencies are claiming 99.23% support for joining Russia within the occupied parts of the four Ukrainian regions.

I'm shocked! SHOCKED, I tell you, at the almost perfect results which are a clear Indicator of (a) the correctness of the Russian cause, and (b) the effectiveness of the Russian democratic process which is far more unified than those of the West.

<stop sarcasm mode>
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Some interesting insights into life under Russian occupation in this article:

The possibility of Ukrainian men in occupied regions being conscripted into the Russian army is interesting....I reckon they'd be the first to desert. Does Russia really think they'll have an effective fighting force by conscripting the very people they're trying to eradicate? Sheesh....!!!!
The pipeline explosions have to be sabotage - but who would be capable of bombing the pipeline at those depths?

This isn't going to be someone making a bomb in a pressure-cooker in their living room, this is the work of someone who has access to high tech equipment...like a military.
I read somewhere (can't recall where) the explosions were at 70m deep, not too deep to need very high tech.

I can't see the profit Rusia want to have by blowing the pipes. What could be the thinking behind it if that was russian made?
I read somewhere (can't recall where) the explosions were at 70m deep, not too deep to need very high tech.

I can't see the profit Rusia want to have by blowing the pipes. What could be the thinking behind it if that was russian made?
70m (229 feet) is still beyond a scuba diver's max. depth, which is 130 feet (39m).
Highly trained and equipped divers (technical divers) can attain a maximum depth of 350 feet (106m), but only with support (crew, dive ship, appropiate equipment).

Russia is not beyond creating a false situation to justify their actions.
Europe is no longer a major consumer of their gas, so they are angry and spiteful.
I read somewhere (can't recall where) the explosions were at 70m deep, not too deep to need very high tech.

I can't see the profit Rusia want to have by blowing the pipes. What could be the thinking behind it if that was russian made?
The most likely explanation is that it was the USA.

Russia had leverage over Germany by way of the pipeline, being able to resume gas deliveries whenever the Germans were willing to negotiate - the Russians said as much just a few days ago. But now with the pipeline destroyed the Germans have no choice but to rely on US gas imports.
This sucks if you're one of those Russians trying to flee over the border into Georgia:
As I said earlier, the last thing Georgia needs is more Russians. Russian-backed separatists in South Ossetia and Abkhazia will jump at the opportunity to use demography as a weapon once more.

If a ship is sinking next to yours, you don't let the rats trying to flee reach your boat. You let them drown. The Russian people built their sh#those country, let them stew in it now.
70m (229 feet) is still beyond a scuba diver's max. depth, which is 130 feet (39m).
Highly trained and equipped divers (technical divers) can attain a maximum depth of 350 feet (106m), but only with support (crew, dive ship, appropiate equipment).

Russia is not beyond creating a false situation to justify their actions.
Europe is no longer a major consumer of their gas, so they are angry and spiteful.
Russia's submarine fleet has been preparing to disrupt the communication cables between North America and Europe for years. I assume the same techniques can hit a gas line.

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The most likely explanation is that it was the USA.

Russia had leverage over Germany by way of the pipeline, being able to resume gas deliveries whenever the Germans were willing to negotiate - the Russians said as much just a few days ago. But now with the pipeline destroyed the Germans have no choice but to rely on US gas imports.
There is no profit in that, since Warren Buffett has no direct rail connection with Europe.
The most likely explanation is that it was the USA.

Russia had leverage over Germany by way of the pipeline, being able to resume gas deliveries whenever the Germans were willing to negotiate - the Russians said as much just a few days ago. But now with the pipeline destroyed the Germans have no choice but to rely on US gas imports.

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Goodness. The Kremlin's propaganda ministry had better get some FSB re-education goons off to the state TV station pronto. Clearly the commentors have lost the plot.


Everyone's a hero when it's the mighty Russian Army stomping on those puny Ukrainian nazis. But with Ukraine on on the offensive, now it's "There must be a mistake!" or "I'm too old!" or "There must be someone else!"
The most likely explanation is that it was the USA.

Russia had leverage over Germany by way of the pipeline, being able to resume gas deliveries whenever the Germans were willing to negotiate - the Russians said as much just a few days ago. But now with the pipeline destroyed the Germans have no choice but to rely on US gas imports.
Not sure if you're joking or just part of the "the U.S. is evil" bandwagon, but the U.S. has zero to gain from destroying the pipelines (which weren't in use, by the way).

If one were to assume that the pipelines were bombed in order to create a captive market, you have to look at natural gas production by nation, then subtract the consumption by that producing nation, then see how much is available for export.

The U.S. leads the world in natural gas production, but also in consumption, producing 914 billion cubic meters a year while consuming 832 billion - which leaves 82 billion for export.

Hardly enough to provide Europe any substantial amount to justify sabotage.

By the way, Germany is Europe's leading consumer of natural gas, at 86.5 billion cubic meters a year.

More than the U.S. has available...

Everyone's a hero when it's the mighty Russian Army stomping on those puny Ukrainian nazis. But with Ukraine on on the offensive, now it's "There must be a mistake!" or "I'm too old!" or "There must be someone else!"
How about that bit about minorities, FFS.

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