"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Just don't pop your turret.


Ukraine needs advanced tanks, pronto.
Not sure if you're joking or just part of the "the U.S. is evil" bandwagon, but the U.S. has zero to gain from destroying the pipelines (which weren't in use, by the way).

If one were to assume that the pipelines were bombed in order to create a captive market, you have to look at natural gas production by nation, then subtract the consumption by that producing nation, then see how much is available for export.

The U.S. leads the world in natural gas production, but also in consumption, producing 914 billion cubic meters a year while consuming 832 billion - which leaves 82 billion for export.

Hardly enough to provide Europe any substantial amount to justify sabotage.

By the way, Germany is Europe's leading consumer of natural gas, at 86.5 billion cubic meters a year.

More than the U.S. has available...
Agreed. If anything, having the pipeline cut goes against US interests as it will result in more pressure on the Europeans come winter with calls (especially from the likes of the far right - see Italy now) to stop supporting Ukraine so as to come to some sort of deal with Russia.
I seriously doubt any tank in existence will survive a direct top-down missile strike.
IDK. Isn't the Merkava's Trophy system now being deployed on Abrams designed against this specific threat?

You have to give the Russians credits, its far more efficient giving their troops the last rites before they are employed to the front.
And let's remember the advice given the Russian troops by a Ukrainian woman back in February:
Put sunflower seeds in their pockets so flowers will grow where they died.
Agreed. If anything, having the pipeline cut goes against US interests as it will result in more pressure on the Europeans come winter with calls (especially from the likes of the far right - see Italy now) to stop supporting Ukraine so as to come to some sort of deal with Russia.

Sounds like something in Vladolf Putlers best interest.
18 HIMARS, hundreds of vehicles and other goodies... Tools to finish the job.
Goodness. The Kremlin's propaganda ministry had better get some FSB re-education goons off to the state TV station pronto. Clearly the commentors have lost the plot.

Woah! that is amazing.

"I don't want to be cannon fodder, send the street musicians and the art students", lol
or ...
"There are millions of ethnic minorities that can go in my place"

Priceless, anyone saying anything like that in any western TV will be fired immediately.
Not sure if you're joking or just part of the "the U.S. is evil" bandwagon, but the U.S. has zero to gain from destroying the pipelines (which weren't in use, by the way).

If one were to assume that the pipelines were bombed in order to create a captive market, you have to look at natural gas production by nation, then subtract the consumption by that producing nation, then see how much is available for export.

The U.S. leads the world in natural gas production, but also in consumption, producing 914 billion cubic meters a year while consuming 832 billion - which leaves 82 billion for export.

Hardly enough to provide Europe any substantial amount to justify sabotage.

By the way, Germany is Europe's leading consumer of natural gas, at 86.5 billion cubic meters a year.

More than the U.S. has available...
Its about ensuring that Germany can't turn around and cut a deal with Russia. So far Germany has been the weakest link against Russia, barely contributing money to Ukraine and dragging their feet on giving weapons.

A few days ago Russia said this;
""The bottom line is, if you have an urge, if it's so hard for you, just lift the sanctions on Nord Stream 2, which is 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year, just push the button and everything will get going," Putin said."

And there has been an increasing number of protest in Germany over gas prices/imports. But now Germany doesn't have a choice, any possibility of receiving gas through Nordstream 1 or 2 is gone.

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