"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Russia seizes US athlete.

What are the odds of an American being "caught" in Russia with "drugs" on them?

She ahould have left when the state department said "leave, immediately"...
In a break with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russia's second-largest oil company called for the country's invasion in Ukraine to end, joining a growing list of organizations, in and outside of Russia, urging for peace.

"The Board of Directors of LUKOIL expresses herewith its deepest concerns about the tragic events in Ukraine. Calling for the soonest termination of the armed conflict, we express our sincere empathy for all victims, who are affected by this tragedy," Lukoil's board of directors said in a statement on Thursday.

"We strongly support a lasting ceasefire and a settlement of problems through serious negotiations and diplomacy," the statement continued.

The board of directors added that the company would try to continue its operations in all countries and regions where it currently has a presence.

If enough companies speak out, this could be the offramp.

Or the Kremlin could just confiscate the company(ies) and their holdings, and jail the directors.

In either event, the sanctions seem to be causing enough angst to make these businessmen risk their business and even their freedom in signing this statement.
A "slight" problem for russian internet providers
I believe this is one A320 with limited loss of life vs two B737 with major loss of life. Nobody wins in this contest though.

The point was this, both companies have had aircraft with problems. Airbus and Europe should not throw rocks in glass houses.

The 737 Max crashes were tragic events, but it is now the safest plane in the skies. The incoming orders are evident of this.
The A320 has had 17 fatal accidents that claimed 1393 lives...
An the B737 had how many incidents with how many lives lost?
If one wants to compare 737 Max with A320 one has to use A320 Neo (same era/timeframe). And as I said before, nobody wins in this contest as each life lost is one too much.
The civilian evacuation of Mariupol failed miserably despite a negotiated ceasefire. Question is does Vlad still control his units or did he really intent to fire his artillery at refugee convoys?
Both options would be really bad.
Wow. Putin a Christian leader? I generally don't begrudge anyone's religious beliefs, but that is out there.
I don't see why this would be surprising to anyone, Putin has made a big thing of religion, especially the Russian Orthodox Church. Moreover, it just puts him as the latest 'Christian leader' to commit atrocities. One can go back to the Crusades or even earlier and look at the centuries of atrocities done in the name of or by so called Christian leaders.
i wonder what Germany's defence priorities will be? The Luftwaffe's combat fleet has 140 Eurofighters and 100 Tornado IDS. I'm surprised they have no attack helicopters like the Apache or Italy's Agusta A129 Mangusta.
Perhaps Germany will order the F-35 and Apache….

Luftwaffe has around 60 Eurocopter Tigers in active duty whicha are pretty much attack helicopters- Mangusta is attack helicopter without capability to survive on battlefield this is why only Italian army is using this c...p. And Germany will order F35 - uncle Sam left them no choice - new versions of B61 will be certified for use only with this type.
Anyone else picked up on the slight change in terminology coming out of Moscow? Previously, Putin and others had spoken of "nazis" but in the pst 24 hours the term "nationalists" is being used. Both Putin and a foreign office spokesperson have used that term.

Wonder if this is the start of painting anyone who resists as an enemy, regardless of their political alignment?
Anyone else picked up on the slight change in terminology coming out of Moscow? Previously, Putin and others had spoken of "nazis" but in the pst 24 hours the term "nationalists" is being used. Both Putin and a foreign office spokesperson have used that term.

Wonder if this is the start of painting anyone who resists as an enemy, regardless of their political alignment?
Saw that! "Nazis" while the president of Ukraine is Jewish!
Now there are reports that Russian soldiers are raping the women in occupied territories. That came as no surprise. Can't get it at home so grab it by force next door.
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