"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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From Twitter "Two portable 2D Squire ground-based surveillance radars and five AN / TPQ-36 Firefinder weapons detection radars will be delivered to Ukraine by the Dutch Ministry of Defense to counter Russian aggression."

From Twitter: "One of the last Su-34s (board number "24 red"), built in 2018 and part of the 2nd Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 21st Mixed Aviation Division of the 14th Smolensk Red Banner Army of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Central Air Force"


From Twitter: "One of the last Su-34s (board number "24 red"), built in 2018 and part of the 2nd Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 21st Mixed Aviation Division of the 14th Smolensk Red Banner Army of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Central Air Force"

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What I understand, is that Ukraine ground forces downed two.
One of them, the pilot managed to survived and was taken prisoner.
Good info and details about the eight Russian aircraft shot down today, including info on the pilot you posted, Joe - he aparently was a someone important:

Looks like Porky got shot down. Do the Russians not have weight and fitness standards?

Also what is it with the Russians and their Space Balls inspired helmets?
My wife has to explain it to Americans quite often, otherwise they often misunderstand her. German's are very frank, blunt, and to the point. They don't beat around the bush.

If WWII had been fought with sarcasm rather than rounds, the Germans would have beaten the Brits -- and that's saying a lot, for this American who regards sarcasm, when done right, as an art.
The Su-34 which is the best Russian strike fighter is flying at low level firing unguided rockets?

What the cinnamon toast f#@& is this!

Why is their most expensive asset doing such donkey work? What the hell.

My goodness and they lost 2 today?

Mind boggles.
Looks like Porky got shot down. Do the Russians not have weight and fitness standards?

Also what is it with the Russians and their Space Balls inspired helmets?

And god help them if they ever had to evade the enemy after getting shot down in those bright orange flight suits. They look like a cross between a Rebel X-Wing pilot and a deer hunter in New York.
Looks like Porky got shot down. Do the Russians not have weight and fitness standards?

Also what is it with the Russians and their Space Balls inspired helmets?
Not one of those pilots in the Assad publicity shot look to be in good shape.

And X-Wing pilots have much better looking helmets! :D

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