"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Agreed. I'm referring to the orange suits.
Yep, the orange suits are...well, a bit bright - but those goofy helmets, though.

That's why I mentioned the X-Wing pilot's helmets. If you're wearing day-glo, at least be stylish.

And not caught by a TIE Pilot.. :lol:

On a more-serious note:

Russia's military on Friday once again advanced toward a nuclear plant in Ukraine.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the U.N. Security Council that Russian troops were inching closer to Ukraine's nuclear plant in Yuzhnoukrainsk, according to Fox News.

The report comes just one day after Russian forces attacked Ukraine's largest nuclear facility, the news outlet noted.

Thomas-Greenfield during the Friday emergency session warned that the nuclear power station in Yuzhnoukrainsk was in "imminent danger."

"Russian forces are now 20 miles, and closing, from Ukraine's second-largest nuclear facility," she reportedly said. "So this imminent danger continues."

Earlier in the session, Thomas-Greenfield signaled that Russia's focus on nuclear plants could pose a problem for Ukraine.

"Nuclear facilities cannot become part of this conflict," Thomas-Greenfield said, Fox News reported. "Reliable electricity is vital for the nuclear facility, as are back-up diesel generators and fuel. Safe transit corridors must be maintained. Russia must halt any further use of force that might put at further risk all 15 operable reactors across Ukraine – or interfere with Ukraine's ability to maintain the safety and security of its 37 nuclear facilities and their surrounding populations."

We'll see for sure here whether or not bombarding the first plant was intentional or not. If they do it again, it's certainly intentional. Planning will have marked these sites on maps as installations of strategic value, either to destroy or to preserve. If they shoot this one up too, that will tell the truth about their intentions.
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So, the Ukrainans are claiming eight aircraft downed today. The aircrew are a far cry from the supermen that Soviet and RF propaganda, (and Western, for that matter,) have made them out to be. It just kills me that we as a community of nations are willing to sit by wringing our hands while Putin and his minions slowly, inexorably subdues Ukraine.
So, the Ukrainans are claiming eight aircraft downed today. The aircrew are a far cry from the supermen that Soviet and RF propaganda, (and Western, for that matter,) have made them out to be. It just kills me that we as a community of nations are willing to sit by wringing our hands while Putin and his minions slowly, inexorably subdues Ukraine.

What would you suggest?
So, the Ukrainans are claiming eight aircraft downed today. The aircrew are a far cry from the supermen that Soviet and RF propaganda, (and Western, for that matter,) have made them out to be. It just kills me that we as a community of nations are willing to sit by wringing our hands while Putin and his minions slowly, inexorably subdues Ukraine.

So you want a nuclear weapons exchange?
I suggest a trip to Ukraine. Bring your protective gear, a pistol/rifle with sufficient ammo and as many Stingers as you can carry.
That would be a potential endgame for any NATO involvement.

There's very much a subtext of the Trolley Problem in this discussion.

That is why we have not engaged militarily. I guarantee you there is not a NATO country that does not want to do more. Hell, there is not an A-10 pilot not waking up with a chubby after dreaming of that 40 mile convoy.

Our response has been measured to what we can safely do without risking the lives of literally millions.

It really is not hard to understand.
From Twitter "Two portable 2D Squire ground-based surveillance radars and five AN / TPQ-36 Firefinder weapons detection radars will be delivered to Ukraine by the Dutch Ministry of Defense to counter Russian aggression."

View attachment 660278
Whilst it's a great way to test NATO kit I hope the Alliance can replenish their armaments in case it all goes to sh#t.

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