"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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I have been wondering whether Ukraine has a lot Russia wants in some areas rather than just the prestige of ownership.

Titanium, uranium, natural gas, coal, and iron, to be specific. Prestige/recovering the empire still has a lot to do with it, I suspect, but Ukraine is resource-rich as well.

And that's not counting the fertility of the earth there, which is a resource that can not only be monetized but also keep Russian citizens quiescent. Hungry people trend towards revolutionary activity and Putin wants none of that. Cheap wheat can help keep the bread-lines down.
KYIV/NOVOSOFIIVKA, Ukraine, Dec 6 (Reuters) - A third Russian airfield was ablaze on Tuesday from a drone strike, a day after Ukraine demonstrated an apparent new ability to penetrate hundreds of kilometers deep into Russian air space with attacks on two Russian air bases.

Officials in the Russian city of Kursk, located closer to Ukraine, released pictures of black smoke above an airfield in the early morning hours of Tuesday after the latest strike. The governor said an oil storage tank there had been set ablaze but there were no casualties.

It came a day after Russia confirmed it had been hit by what it said were Soviet-era drones - at Engels air base, home to Russia's fleet of giant strategic bombers, and in Ryazan, just a few hours drive from Moscow. Kyiv did not directly claim responsibility for the strikes but celebrated them.


The New York Times, citing a senior Ukrainian official, said the drones involved in Monday's attacks were launched from Ukrainian territory, and at least one of the strikes was made with the help of special forces close to the base.


Ukrainian presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych went further, noting that Engels was the only base Russia has that is fully equipped for the giant bombers which Russia has used in attacks on Ukraine.

"They will try to disperse (strategic aircraft) to airfields, but all this complicates the operation against Ukraine. Yesterday, thanks to their unsuccessful smoking, we achieved a very big result," he said.

☝️ Ukraine appears to expose Russian air defence gaps with long-range strikes
Right now there is someone senior in the Russia military exclaiming:

«Я говорил вам, что использовать наши ограниченные запасы зенитно-ракетных комплексов для наземных атак на Украине — плохая идея. Почему ты хочешь, чтобы я выглянул в окно?

"I told you it wasn't a good idea to use our limited supply of air defence missiles for ground attack in Ukraine. Why do you want me to look out the window?"
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KYIV/NOVOSOFIIVKA, Ukraine, Dec 6 (Reuters) - A third Russian airfield was ablaze on Tuesday from a drone strike, a day after Ukraine demonstrated an apparent new ability to penetrate hundreds of kilometers deep into Russian air space with attacks on two Russian air bases.

Officials in the Russian city of Kursk, located closer to Ukraine, released pictures of black smoke above an airfield in the early morning hours of Tuesday after the latest strike. The governor said an oil storage tank there had been set ablaze but there were no casualties.

It came a day after Russia confirmed it had been hit by what it said were Soviet-era drones - at Engels air base, home to Russia's fleet of giant strategic bombers, and in Ryazan, just a few hours drive from Moscow. Kyiv did not directly claim responsibility for the strikes but celebrated them.


The New York Times, citing a senior Ukrainian official, said the drones involved in Monday's attacks were launched from Ukrainian territory, and at least one of the strikes was made with the help of special forces close to the base.


Ukrainian presidential adviser Oleksiy Arestovych went further, noting that Engels was the only base Russia has that is fully equipped for the giant bombers which Russia has used in attacks on Ukraine.

"They will try to disperse (strategic aircraft) to airfields, but all this complicates the operation against Ukraine. Yesterday, thanks to their unsuccessful smoking, we achieved a very big result," he said.

I clicked on one of the linked stories. President Zelenskyy visited troops in Eastern Donetsk. I think I read somewhere that putler will be visiting his troops. I believe Thursday?
I guess there will be one less putler body double. Then putler can flee to that African nation where Vladolph stashed his gold. Be funny if the loot wasn't there when he arrives.


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