All Ta-152 pics

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Hi Looma !!!

There two shots.
Source unknown:


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fresh out of the factory at Cottbus.

there are about a dozen well known pics of the bird 1/2 of them in RAF markings after war, and capture. the famous one is the lineup of about 6 Stabschwarm Tanks with green numerals and no spinner stripe ............. yet, it was applied later. some think they maybe yellow numbered and serving in III. gruppe which could be possible in Janaur 1945.

many unknowns still abound
not much longer than the Dora 9 in the fuselge although the coockpit sits a bit farther back. The taper on the wings is what really gives this high alt. bird it's flying characteristics ......... yes beautiful
Erich said:
The taper on the wings is what really gives this high alt. bird it's flying characteristics

The taper ratio is important, true, but the aspect ratio has a far greater effect on the Ta 152's flying characteristics, giving it a very high L/Dmax and optimum CL - this is what gave the Ta 152 the ability (despite is relatively high wing loading), to make hair-raisingly tight turns without losing much speed in the process.

Ta 152H line up


  • 152jg301.jpg
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Educate me for why that is mportant..... high l/d max.....
Some more
source unknown


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An another one.

BTW,in the fourth Wildcat's pic the bird looks like Fw190D but not Ta152.But I could be wrong.
Source unknown:


  • Ta152H-1.jpg
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No Wildcat,I'm afraid I'm wrong.I've found the same pic with a description as Ta152V7 prototype (C0/R11).Besides I've found the other pic of this (propably).

source unknown:


  • Ta152V7_prototypC0R11__.jpg
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The next I've found.The last two present the same a/c.
source unknown:


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syscom3 said:
Educate me for why that is mportant..... high l/d max.....

L/D ratio = Lift to drag ratio.

The more lift you have pr amount of drag the better, and the less your energy loss is going to be in maneuvers, and the higher the AR the higher the L/D ratio.

Higher AR wings also have the advantage of producing a higher amount of lift pr. area in the first place - forgetting about the L/D ratio.

L/D ratio at an AR of 4:

L/D ratio at an AR of 9:

As you can see the wing with an AR of 9 has over twice as high a L/Dmax and optimum CL.
kiwimac said:
Great pics!

Hey Soren, I like your sig. Is that Wurger's work?


Thanks Kiwimac, yes it was made by Wurger, and as can be seen he did an excellent job.
Heres some I have....


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  • Ta-152H1.jpg
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  • Fw-190 V29 U1.jpg
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  • Fw-190 V30 U1.jpg
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