That mixed powerplant must have kicked ass!
This plane had an all-together different role as a bomber interceptor. It was dubbed Flitzer (Streaker or Madcap have been translated, assigned names but in German it literally means Jeep- military). By late 1944 it was in the wooden mock-up stage with a chance of seeing production. The De Havilland Vampire in development soon thereafter in Britain is a near clone but the twin-engine DH 110 is even closer. A look at the later SAAB 21 tells the same story of copy of form. A hand-launched glider model also is seen in contemporary photos so we know the form was sound.
The Flitzer was to have two HeS 011s with 2,866 lbs. thrust each in the rear fuselage with the twin-boom tail offering a high-mount horizontal stabilizer connecting them. A Walter HWK 509A bi-fuel rocket with 2,646 lbs. thrust was to boost combat and climb speed.
The pilot sat in the same general fuselage position as the above-mentioned planes ahead of the 32-degree swept leading edge of the wing, which had a straight trailing edge. Span was 26.1 feet with length at 32.1 feet. A 516 MPH maximum projected speed seems much too modest. But climb was to be its strength with 36,091 feet achieved from a standing start in 1.9 minutes! Range was thought to be about 800 miles but other data is unknown. A pair of Mk 108s in the lower nose and two 20 mm MG 151s in the wings would have armed the ship. It suffered loss of production to the Ta 183.
A similar shape had no project designation and used a BMW 803 with 3,950 HP pushing contra-rotating props. Armament was the same but the span measured 42.3 feet with a length of 45.25 feet. Weights we not projected.
The layout was validated in its contemporaries. The mixed power would have made it a super fighter.