An Evening with Dambuster Johnny Johnson and the Wartime Heroes of 617 Squadron

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 10, 2011
Hello all,

Just to let you know of an upcoming event in the UK. As per title - An Evening with Dambuster Johnny Johnson and the Wartime Heroes of 617 Squadron. Jonny Johnson will be giving a talk about his war time antics and will be joined by other members of 617 Squadron. Advertised in Flypast magazine, 300 seats minus the two I have booked of course. Opportunity for signed copies of Jonny's book and hopefully an all together good evening.

An Evening with Dambuster 'Johnny' Johnson and the Wartime Heroes -

See you there if anyone is going.

Cheers Chris
Sounds like it could be an interesting evening. I saw Eric Quinney at Duxford last September - pic below.
I'd love to go, but will be preparing to set out for the Duxford D-day air show early the following morning. Let us know how it went please.


  • Duxford show Sept 13 070.jpg
    137.4 KB · Views: 162
Hi Terry, that's a shame. although I wish I could fit the airshow in the next day as well. I'll be sure to feedback.

Cheers Chris
Well tonight was the night, and boy what a night it was!

I take my hat off to Johnny and Eric Quinney for the pure entertaining evening they put on. Some great stories and amazing to hear their perspective of events and what life was really like for them. Johnny talked fondly of the before mission "egg and bacon" dinner. He also told as good story about when the Lanc he was in got hit by lightening and plummeted from 10,000ft to 2,000 feet in matter of seconds.

I managed to shake their hands and say a few words while getting them to sign a few items for me -

The new book -

A copy of the original cypher message of the go ahead for the raid -

Copy of the original Eder dam target map from the raid (my friend has the original) -

No introduction needed (except the Gent sat close to the camera who flew on the Tirpitz raid, can anybody identify him?) -

Cheers Chris
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In the States, California, there were afternoons with Aces that I used to attend. I have signatures all over my Taylor books.
It will be inspireing!
It's just cool to be able to meet these guys.
Johnny talked about the new remake of the Dambusters film an how he was talking to Pater Jackson about his account.
Looks like the film will get the go ahead someday.

Cheers Chris
Thanks Terry, yeah I'm gutted I didn't catch his name. I just know he's from 617 and flew against the Tirpitz. I'm sure he was on the programm about "what the Dambusters did next" that was on last Sunday along with John Bell.

Cheers Chris

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