...and All is alright with the World.

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"... How to run an Empire on offal..."

Or - how the Brits learned to dine before they became Top Dogs - when their fore-bearers were Under Dogs ...:)

"... not after its bodily function"

Since when was that a consideration .....? I love - and cook in winter - braised ox tails. You are supposed to devote your imagination to cooking the food, not imagining how (or where) the food spent its happy life ..... :). The happy life part is the part you are supposed to Give Thanks and say Grace to God for. (Although I mostly do that part in my head, privately).

Grateful Canadian


" ... the French end of the Chunnel would be a circle back to la Belle France..."

A particle accelerator, so-to-speak ... :)?

I love food cooking too, However...Liver is one step too far even for me.
I like that idea....you could get back into France faster than you leave... hahaha. An excellent idea for the new EU member states.

Beleaguered Englishman

"... Liver is one step too far even for me."

Quick BBQ - or very hot grill. Good for you. Good value for $$.


It was a family meal, liver, bacon, peas and mash.
Those liver veins made me urge...
I vowed when I left home that never again would I eat liver and I haven't.

Cod cooked in milk is another sick making memory....jeez.

Mon dieu

Wow, lots to coment on: Let's see "North end of south bound elephant" and how many pig butts have you chowed down on? ever been on a pig farm and see what the pigs marinate them in? YUMYUM - just got me a big old pig butt for Easter
Ox tail soup - reminds me of mom, used to make big pots full of it with turnips and potatoes warms the soul it did!
Tongue - once peeled it is a muscle exactly like any other except for its very fine texture just like veal. Shall we discuss Butt Steak? Think I prefer the front of the cow
Brains - Try them scrambled with eggs
Liver - there is a BIG difference between CALF liver and plain liver. The liver is the bodies detoxifying organ as such an adult cow has been detoxing much longer.
calf's liver is much finer, no big veins or connective tissue. Slice it thin, lightly bread it and fry along with BACON and onions. Food of the gods.
Catfish - Not a big fan of fish, especially bottom feeders, trick is, to remove that big mud vein the correct way. however I'll stick to Crappie caught off my dock, filleted by me, batter dipped by me, and fried by me
We were rather hoping that the French end of the Chunnel would be a circle back to la Belle France...

Not just you..............

Andouillette anyone? Basically you take a large intestine and see how many metres of smaller intestine you can stuff into it until it is full.

May I recommend fresh rabbit liver to you John? When I slaughter rabbits dinner is always a fresh rabbit liver each. Just dusted in flour and fried briefly in butter. Delicate and delicious (wobbly tube free too.)
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Chris, you'd never have made it through the Q-course.
In the US the ANDOUILLE sausage is most often associated with Cajun cooking, where it is a coarse-grained smoked sausage made using pork, garlic, pepper, onions, wine, and seasonings. Andouille sausages are sometimes referred to in the US as "hot link" sausages. If you've ever had Jambalaya the sausage was andouille.
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Not just you..............

Andouillette anyone? Basically you take a large intestine and see how many metres of smaller intestine you can stuff into it until it is full.

May I recommend fresh rabbit liver to you John? When I slaughter rabbits dinner is always a fresh rabbit liver each. Just dusted in flour and fried briefly in butter. Delicate and delicious (wobbly tube free too.)

Touche mon brave. Has the chunnel joined Britain to Europe or Europe to Britain?

Newspapers recalled the old joke on British insularity, allegedly from a 1930 Daily Mirror headline: "Fog in Channel: Continent Cut Off."

Rabbit meat is good, there are rabbit farms in the South Hams breeding rabbits for meat and the Royal Marines to use on their survival courses.
Sorry, but the thought of liver is too much for me....

Bon appetite

Waste not, want not!! In our time of plenty we can afford to look down upon non-skeletal muscle but look to any slaughter house and you will see that nothing from the animal is wasted. Look at almost anything in a casing, like luncheon meats. Read the ingredients, look for the term "variety meats" want to guess what that actually means?
Yep, I have made a practice to try everything over the years. How else would I know that Gator tail is tasty?
Or that Rattlesnake is good eatin'?
If you don't try it, you might be missing out on something great!
I had the same reaction to octopus, kind of like fish flavored rubberbands.
Whoever made your Gator cooked it too long. It should be more like lobster, firm but chewable.

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