...and All is alright with the World.

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My dad loves sausage and gravy. Probably a contributing reason why he is loaning his right leg to Mr. Diabetes. I'm beginning to think that he's not gonna get it back.
Actually those are not donuts (no hole) they are really Long Johns made from a yeast dough much lighter than a cake-type donut
And one trip to the Motherland and boiled, grass-fed beef was enough

You're lucky to have actually eaten beef here...we have been scoffing horsemeat unknowingly for years.
No wonder Burgess defected. :oops:

Calories in Long John Donut - Calorie, Fat, Carb, Fiber, Protein Info

Long John donut? still looks like a heart attack waiting to happen to me Mike :lol:
Down South, we eat bacon fried in a cast iron pan, eggs fried in the bacon grease and toast and grits. A Canadian buddy corrected me that such a breakfast is entirely too healthy. While he dropped the grits, he said his family would consistently eat fried bacon, eggs fried in bacon grease and toast fried in bacon grease. That trumps me. I can't eat a breakfast like that anymore without going back to bed. Those breakfasts now come far and few between, and are eaten at night so I can die in my sleep.

Grits? why would you mad colonials eat small rocks?
My dad loves sausage and gravy. Probably a contributing reason why he is loaning his right leg to Mr. Diabetes. I'm beginning to think that he's not gonna get it back.

Mr D seems on the rise. Bit of a bugger when you like all the things you shouldn't....
As your Dad has D you should get a check up Matt ( seriously)
BBC - Food - Menus : Classic roast beef dinner

We love a roast here...its expensive to get a good cut of beef but, worth it.
The French find their nickname for us 'roast beef' highly hilarious...
We often collapse in laughter in Nice when a Frenchman hears that we are English and calls out 'Hey Roast Beef'.
Good job we have health insurance so our split sides can be stitched up eh.
Readie, guess this old colonial lad is gonna half tugh teach you-all thing or two about England: The word "grits" derives from the Old English word "grytt," meaning coarse meal not "small rock". This word originally referred to wheat and other porridges now known as groats in parts of the U.K..
Grits (US) refers to a ground-corn food, that is common in the Southern United States. Modern grits are commonly made of alkali-treated corn known as hominy. Grits are similar to other thick maize-based porridges from around the world.


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Mr D seems on the rise. Bit of a bugger when you like all the things you shouldn't....
As your Dad has D you should get a check up Matt ( seriously)

No need to, Mr. D has been knocking on my door and I've been ignoring it. Head in the sand dontchya know. I'm not ignorant. Just stoopid.
Well here in the colonies a Proper Plowman dines on Haggis (yum, entrails),
You do know that selling haggis is illegal in the USA don't you Mikewint?

and that would be a ploughmans lunch as plough was originally onomatopoeic 'pluhff' like the sound of a plouhshare going through soil.

Haggis always a good choice though, even tinned (or do modern sheep have steel stomachs?)

Hot news for all Canadians: thank you. Cheap Canadian horse fillets on sale in my supermarket at very reasonable prices. Does spit a bit in the pan with the extra water horse has in it compared to beef but very tasty.
My father used to cook the bacon, cast iron pan, then fry the eggs in the fat and cook the tops by splashing the fat over them! He's long gone.
I still like my bacon and pancakes, and a fried egg on the side, not in the fat tho.
I hear yah man. I have, aurthur itus, aching knees, shoulders, back and forget everything, except all my aches.

The first time my Aussie wife saw biscuits and white gravy, she was shocked!!!!! More so because I ordered it at a diner!
My father used to cook the bacon, cast iron pan, then fry the eggs in the fat and cook the tops by splashing the fat over them! He's long gone.
I still like my bacon and pancakes, and a fried egg on the side, not in the fat tho.

Bill, that is EXACTLY how I cook my heartattack breakfast!!

and now back on topic....a bacon beer mug - best of both worlds!!!

No need to, Mr. D has been knocking on my door and I've been ignoring it. Head in the sand dontchya know. I'm not ignorant. Just stoopid.

Well, that's up to you at the end of the day. I just 'qualify' as non diabetic but, the margin is smaller than ideal. Bloody pancreatitis.
That and other issues have led me to review 'my lifestyle'....
Good luck

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