...and All is alright with the World.

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Pew Research -

Overweight Utility Workers Decrease US Power Outtages by 8% Over Last Decade - Collisions with parked cars on the downturn.


Nobody will get that except you, Readie.
:lol: Very good Matt.

Big Fat Americans: Fat Americans Death Sentence - Fast Food Ingredients

What is the truth? I can't believe that the colonies have just given up.....:shock:

http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/126/1/e3.full. Frightening...

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Aussie blokes are fat, sad and in denial: survey
Bronwyn Herbert reported this story on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 12:30:00

The latest global survey has found that half the Australians who are overweight don't realise it, and it's more likely to be men who are in denial.

The findings are part of an international study taking in 13,000 people from 12 countries, as Bronwyn Herbert reports.

BRONWYN HERBERT: Statistics often deliver the same story of Australia as an overweight nation.

But a new survey comparing results from 12 countries finds that on average Australians won't admit to being fat.


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I despair with a lot of my countryman Mike.
There is no respect, either self or for anything or anyone.
Well I certainly hope that those cookies were sprinkled with bacon, and perhaps an apple donut with maple frosting sprinkled with bacon, or better yet a butter cake with maple frosting with a pound of bacon on top...


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Well I certainly hope that those cookies were sprinkled with bacon, and perhaps an apple donut with maple frosting sprinkled with bacon, or better yet a butter cake with maple frosting with a pound of bacon on top...

Heartburn on a plate :lol:

this is much better...
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A proper ploughman's and a pint ( or 3) of proper beer.

Well here in the colonies a Proper Plowman dines on Haggis (yum, entrails), Scrambled Eggs, Black Pudding, Sausage, Bacon, Beans Tomato washed down with Maple Bacon ale with a maple frosted donut coveed in bacon


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Actually those are not donuts (no hole) they are really Long Johns made from a yeast dough much lighter than a cake-type donut
And one trip to the Motherland and boiled, grass-fed beef was enough
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Down South, we eat bacon fried in a cast iron pan, eggs fried in the bacon grease and toast and grits. A Canadian buddy corrected me that such a breakfast is entirely too healthy. While he dropped the grits, he said his family would consistently eat fried bacon, eggs fried in bacon grease and toast fried in bacon grease. That trumps me. I can't eat a breakfast like that anymore without going back to bed. Those breakfasts now come far and few between, and are eaten at night so I can die in my sleep.
pancakes fried in bacon grease, now that's good eats. Never got much got into grits or biscuits and sauage gravy

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