...and All is alright with the World.

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with or without ketchup or chocolate syrup? I vote for the chocolate with a dab of whipped cream... Just sayen
There are jokes here. And I'm not sure I want to go that far.
Oh, what the h3ll,
1) How old is she?
2) Probably lost it on the backseat of a 1970's stationwagon,
3) Help me find my keys, and we'll use the headlights to find it on our way out!
(No offence, old man, I'm like a dog chasing a car!)
Used that one reciently; I was standing outside a store, indulging in a bad habit, waiting on my wife, when a pretty girl walked by. She said, "You'd like some of this, wouldn't you?" and I said, "Girl, I'd be like a dog chasing a car; even if I caught it it'd just drive it off a cliff!"
True story.
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It is important to get the kiddies started right so...
and for our favorite poptart whisper


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Living outside of the US now, looking in instead of looking out....... it is a strange place.

I was in Canberra for Australia day more than a couple of years back. Standing at the War Memorial, where "G" for George lives. I was looking down the road where the parade turns the corner about 1 klick away, and comes up to the Memorial for the review by the Prime Minister. Down at the turn comes the US Marine honor guard. I hadn't seen the American flag for about four years by this time. It's like it was a neon sign. It's just an "in your face" flag. It was then I started to realize what others around the world see. Many don't understand the meaning of the stripes, red, and white, and the stars, and that it is a flag that was Fought FOR, not Over. Not many other flags have that same meaning.

I digress.................

Deep fried donut, bacon cheeseburger eh? I've got to go flush my veins just looking at the picture.

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