...and All is alright with the World.

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Pretty much.

Is this something that has just happened over time?
The image of America here is the slim version....white perfect teeth, an even sun tan and slimmer than a slim thing.

My teenage lad, who has an appetite to say the least, can't wait to be unleashed on the food emporiums of America.
I would rather drive down Route 66 and see America.

Portions in America are of the size you pay for them to be. Unfortunately, too many of us choose the larger sizes. But Man vs Food is a stunt show that showcases the ridiculousness that restaurant marketing can take you too.
Portions in America are of the size you pay for them to be. Unfortunately, too many of us choose the larger sizes. But Man vs Food is a stunt show that showcases the ridiculousness that restaurant marketing can take you too.

Biggest isn't always best I guess...I would be the size of a barn on those meal sizes !
Come to my neck of the woods Readie. No teeth, fat like cottage cheese skin, ruddy complection, pimples, bad hair.................need I go on? Don't believe Hollywood.

I had to do a double take there Aaron..I thought you live in Abingdon, Oxfordshire hahaha....
Not that there is much difference with the people by the sound of it.
Oh and Vegas is notorious for huge sizes ($1.99 steak dinners, free drinks at the tables, etc) to make it appear the Vegas is such a bargain while they rob you blind gambling. Vegas and Reno are two of the most dispicable cities in America. Unfortunately, in the number of seedy gambling casinos have been increasing exponentially all across our states.
Is this something that has just happened over time?
The image of America here is the slim version....white perfect teeth, an even sun tan and slimmer than a slim thing.

My teenage lad, who has an appetite to say the least, can't wait to be unleashed on the food emporiums of America.
I would rather drive down Route 66 and see America.
This has always been the land of plenty. Sometime in the '70's, with the explosion of fast-food joints, the overconsumption began.
If you want to taste the best America has to offer, I suggest that you hit small towns. Wander off the Interstate highways a little, and find a small "Mom and Pop" style diner. There is the best eating in the country. I spent around half my life as a Professional truckdriver/mover. I would get to small towns as well as the big cities. And I loved to try the local specialties where ever I went.
Just a few observations.
Have the lobster in Maine, Everything is good in a New Jersey diner, Pizza in New York city, A Chicago "Dog", the pizza is good there too, different than N.Y., but worth the effort. Barbeque every where you can find it, it varies all across the country, mostly in the south. Same goes for Chilli. Shrimp in Lousianna, Steak in Texas. Southwestern cuisine in New Mexico, Huevos Rancheros is a specialty in the west. If you make it to San Francisco, stay away from "Fisherman's Wharf", go to "Spanglers" instead.
P.M. me with your expected route and I will try to remember some of the best places, food and sight-seeing. I tried to see everything interesting I could while I had the chance, with a heavy emphasis on air and sea museums. Also saw the biggest ball of mud, but that one you could really skip. It doesn't live up to the hype.
Agree with "Fisherman's Wharf". Been there, done that.

I love out of the way eating places. Always the best. I went to Portland, Maine one time because I could and I had money to spend. Ended up at a little open-air cafe on top of a bank on the wharves of the city. Ordered me some clams and lobster. Best seafood I ever had and the price was dirt cheap! Loved it.
oh, and before I forget......

Have the lobster in Maine, Everything is good in a New Jersey diner, Pizza in New York city, A Chicago "Dog", the pizza is good there too, different than N.Y., but worth the effort. Barbeque every where you can find it, it varies all across the country, mostly in the south. Same goes for Chilli. Shrimp in Lousianna, Steak in Texas. Southwestern cuisine in New Mexico, Huevos Rancheros is a specialty in the west.

Sounds good to me Paul
Oh and Vegas is notorious for huge sizes ($1.99 steak dinners, free drinks at the tables, etc) to make it appear the Vegas is such a bargain while they rob you blind gambling. Vegas and Reno are two of the most dispicable cities in America. Unfortunately, in the number of seedy gambling casinos have been increasing exponentially all across our states.

No-one forced me to put any money into the machines while I was there...

But, I did work out how to at least get my money's worth, it goes like this...
1. Sit at a machine and put $1 in.
2. Wait until a waitress comes around.
3. Order your drink - top shelf of course!
4. Tip the waitress $1
5. Repeat steps 2-4 until satisfied!

Notice, never play the machine :D It turned out that we were getting rounds of $30 - $40 for $1 - $2 a go.
Our World-Famous FREE 72oz. STEAK DINNER (if eaten in 1 hour) is only for the very hungry.
Many have tried. Many have failed.
How the FREE 72oz STEAK DINNER legend was BORN...
The FREE 72-oz. steak came to life not long after Bob Lee opened the doors to the Big Texan Steak Ranch. In those days, cowboys still worked the area ranches and came into town on their days off to get a good meal and have some fun. Both of those needs could be fulfilled at the Big Texan. One day a cowboy came through the front door bragging that he was so hungry he could "eat the whole, darned cow."


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