...and All is alright with the World.

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My grandmother coming out of the head: "Hey Y'all, youse gots ta see this!"
Oh mannnnn. That is BAD!

But hey! I can make my own biskits........ but maybe Paul has a recipe for the white gravy??????
Or any of yous other foodie types, eh?

Aussies sometimes ask me with w taste of displeasure, "You don't want your eggs any special way, do you"?
Sunny side up is what you get over here!
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YEEEEHAW - God made a place for all creatures - right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.

-Mummy, mummy, I hate Grandma's guts!

-Well just leave it on the side of the plate and eat your vegetables dear ...

(old kiwi school joke. Another was 'Mummy, mummy, why are we pushing the caravan off a cliff?' - 'Sshh, you'll wake your father up!' :) )
Oh mannnnn. That is BAD!

But hey! I can make my own biskits........ but maybe Paul has a recipe for the white gravy??????
Or any of yous other foodie types, eh?

Aussies sometimes ask me with w taste of displeasure, "You don't want your eggs any special way, do you"?
Sunny side up is what you get over here!
Bacon or sausage grease. About a 1/4 cup of flour, whip it in and add milk a tiny bit at a time while stirring. Continue until creamy add a dash of salt and pepper.
Ta-da, white gravy!
You can use any meat drippings, but bacon is best.
Speaking of which, I have to get my poor ole thread back on topic!

Marmite is a 'love hate' thing.
Love it in my house...on toast with egg and bacon.

Quite why the meating eating Aussie's prefer Vegemite is a mystery here....

Bovril was the food of the trenches apparently to keep the Tommies going.

OXO? Nice on a cold day.
I've often thought a Purple ribbon would be fitting for a prostate cancer survivor. Why you ask. You wouldn't have to ask if you ever saw the color of ones nuts after surgery!

Paul, you da man!

Readie, a type of *mite crossed my lips once.......................... just Once!

Chocolate, p'nut butter and bacon CAKE???????????????? talk about a laxative!
Coloured nuts? Ummm the tank rack on Triumphs used have the same effect...
Laxative effect?...when I was a lad in Australia my dad had a FX (48-215) Holden sedan, that rolling around on graded Snowy mountain roads on crossplys combined with mothers warm ox tongue sandwiches was..er, challenging.
Marmite? you know you want to hahaha...I'll send you a pot if you like.

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