...and All is alright with the World.

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I ask myself the same question.
While I admire a lot about America and generally speaking get on well with Americans home is where the heart is.... so 'no'.
I'll stay in southern England old boy.
Najoco's thread has wandered around on the thread's highway like a 1960's Chevvie. He has manfully battled to keep the bloody thing on the straight and narrow but, the combination of crossplies, marshmellow powersteering and wallowly suspension have conspired against him and we have lurched into the ditch.
Along come the British to pull the aforemention Chevvie from the ditch, dust it and the driver off and set it/him back on the road. Something we are quite well practised at when you young Americans get a bit carried away
Now, where were we?
Ah yes...

Bacon. Have you had your daily quota?
Nice try John, but only the largest of American cars "wallowed"...the smaller models were nimble, handled well and had plenty of power. I.E.: Mustang, Corvette, Avanti, Nova/ChevyII, Dart, Falcon, Valiant, Corvair, GTO and the list goes on.

Might I also suggest that the vast majority of these makes had really nice wiring, unlike cars from a certain country who will remain un-named

Splutter... cough, WHAT...nimble ?
'Nimble' infers getting around corners at speed, not just straight line grunt.
USA straight line or oval tracks like Indy... you win hands down. Well, not all the time as Lotus won in '65 at Indy
And not many US cars could keep up with an E type at full chat.... but, lets not split hairs
Ok, the build quality of British cars was **** and we should be ashamed as we could have done better. We lost a golden opportunity with poor qulaity cars in the US market.
However, the engineers at the likes of Lotus made fast cars that were nimble,other makes like Jaguar are legendary, mini''s dominated circuit racing and rallys for years.There's a great circuit racing photo showing a mini cornering hard being followed by a Galaxie 500 that was leaning so much the front bumper nearly scraped the ground.
One of my very fav cars is the AC Cobra 5.7. This Anglo American beauty did it all... can I have one please?
Yoos guys sure do have a short attention span. A perfectly good thread started about chocolate covered a bacon turns into anything but. Mustard spread all over gods creation, Mayo on fries, some stinky fish from Norway, who makes better autos, can't we all just get along and talk about the the pigs greatest gift to mankind?

I'm only gonna say this once, BACON!!!
If I wanted to go somewhere where they worship an old lady with blue hair and have stricken the letter 'H' from the spoken language, I'll go to Australia. At least they have sun and sand there.........and Shelias!
'If I wanted to go somewhere where they worship an old lady with blue hair and have stricken the letter 'H' from the spoken language, I'll go to Australia. At least they have sun and sand there........'

Australia is a fantastic country with so much to see. I love the 'she's be right' way of life too. Big country with big hearted people.

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