...and All is alright with the World.

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How about some s'mores???

Lie down relax to the light sound of Rolls Royce Merlin....crack open a Spitfire with a large G/T on the side, while waiting for the full English breakfast, with everything, is getting prepared....
Matt, sit down in your favorite comfy chair. Lean back and close your eyes. Now imagine: Two wafers of cookie-like goodness that tastes of chocolate with a chewy filling of chocolatey goo. As you bite down and your teeth pass through this cookie/chocolate confection they hit the warm sparkling slice of bacon. Bacon. Now the smell waffs up to your nostrils and your face muscles involuntarily twitch into a grin. You want to open your eyes, to see that this is for real but reason prevails as you don't want to spoil the moment. You keep your eyes closed. With one swift vice-like pressure of your mouth, you break off a piece of pop-tart along with a portion of the bacon which still keeps itself attached to the rest of the slice with gooey strands that slowly snap as you start to crunch down on the mass of chocolate and bacon.


Your almost a like a pedophile. I swear I've read that in Penthouse Forums. Only there was a climax at the end. :toothy5:

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