...and All is alright with the World.

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there are several things in this world that should not be allowed:

Beer-flavored water is one...this is just wrong and the people that produce/sell this should be tried for crimes against humanity.

Sugar-free chocolate is another. The clown that invented this should be kicked in the marble-bag. Repeatedly.

Turkey Bacon. WTF were they thinking with this one?? Seriously? Condemning the creator of this to hell for an eternity is letting them off way to easy, in my opinion...
Turkey bacon?
Turkey Bacon as we know it today was created and launched by Louis Rich part of Oscar Mayer in 1987. The concept creator was Bob Howard and Gary Winchester led development of the final product.
It seems that the offenders were your own countrymen Dave :)
Turkey bacon?
Turkey Bacon as we know it today was created and launched by Louis Rich part of Oscar Mayer in 1987. The concept creator was Bob Howard and Gary Winchester led development of the final product.
It seems that the offenders were your own countrymen Dave :)
I dunno...with names like those, I think they were sent here from the Crown to undermine our society...
Ready quote; " I didn't have enough bacon in the fridge...."
Sacrilege man, just pure sacrilege. =; :lol:

The perpetrator in league with a certain 2 Labrador's has confessed to fridge visits :fatalfridge: and bacon sandwich scoffing....:eating:
The fine was an enforced march :walk: to the local supermarket to replenish Dad's bacon stock.
Any protests of innocence, hardship and brutality :whdat: were dismissed.:read:
Plus no mobile, I-Pad, computer, or any connection with the outside world for week!

AND... the confiscation of his season ticket.
I try to be reasonable and think the punishment should fit the crime but,..... bacon scoffing is worse than marrying a catholic in my house :)
I dunno...with names like those, I think they were sent here from the Crown to undermine our society...

The Oscar Mayer chap was a German immigrant to the USA :)
The perfidious English are innocent (for once) after all who the **** wants to eat reformed turkey as 'bacon'... we don't :)
Observe those that stole bacon....

Thomas Atkins (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing 15 lbs weight of bacon, value 6 shillings the property of George Seager
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

Thomas Atkins (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing Bacon. Borough
Sentence: 5 Calendar months hard labour

Thomas Bennett (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing 15 lbs weight of bacon, value 6 shillings the property of George Seager
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

Thomas Bennett (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing bacon .Borough
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard labour

John Brown (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing Wheat
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

Josiah Brown (Prison record)
Offence: On 3rd Jan.1850 at Odell stealing 10 fowls the value of 15 shillings the property of John Ward of Odell
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

Josiah Brown (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing 10 fowls.F.Ex.
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

Robert Brown (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing Oak
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

Henry Cartwright (Prison record)
Offence: Having on 13th January 1850 stolen certain fowls to wit one **** fowl and three hen fowls of the goods and chattels of George Mallers of Harlington shoemaker
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

Thomas Cook (Prison record)
Offence: On 27th August 1853 at Ridgmont stealing one half bushel of apples value 2 shillings the property of George Jones
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

Thomas Dennis (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing Potatoes
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

William Freeman (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing a Horse rug
Sentence: 5 Calendar months Hard Labour

Joseph Garner (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing Florins
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

William Ansell Godfrey (Prison record)
Offence: Obtaining Cheques by False Pretences
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

Thomas Hack (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing Wheat
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

Thomas Harris (Prison record)
Offence: Receiving stolen Goods
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

John Hill (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing Coats
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

James Huckle (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing Wheat
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

Mary Ann Lane (Prison record)
Offence: Stealing Linen,f.ex. Fully committed 15 November 1850
Sentence: 5 Calendar months Hard Labour

Mary Anne Lane (Prison record)
Offence: On 3rd November instant at St.Paul Bedford stealing 3 damask table cloths value 3 shillings and sixpence and other articles of the goods of John Main Priest
Sentence: 5 Calendar Months Hard Labour

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