...and All is alright with the World.

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Nice. Just goes to prove where there is a will there's a way.
Tomorrow is an early start at 0500 followed by a mega trough on bacon and toasted bagels.
You know, I think that we're allowed heavier vehicles in Sweden, since our trucks can weigh up to 60+ ton, so, if I demand too much, you'll have an overload, know what I mean?

Think our trucks today are 60+ ton and 25,25 m....
You know, I think that we're allowed heavier vehicles in Sweden, since our trucks can weigh up to 60+ ton, so, if I demand too much, you'll have an overload, know what I mean?

Think our trucks today are 60+ ton and 25,25 m....

A political hot potato in the EU. Looks like 60 tonne's will the norm soon.
Which is great until it has has to stop in an emergency and the laws of physics take over....
Think that they'd stick to what they're used to old boy!
Typical, when politicians get some dead time on their hands, they start to think.......well, you know what I mean...

You know, I think that we're allowed heavier vehicles in Sweden, since our trucks can weigh up to 60+ ton, so, if I demand too much, you'll have an overload, know what I mean?

Think our trucks today are 60+ ton and 25,25 m....

Thats interesting. I know we have weight limits here but when Marcel visited in April, he and I were talking about the size of regular cars and how they are so much bigger here in the USA. I didn't know that.

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