...and All is alright with the World.

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I have had bacon at breakfast lunch today. Got the taste for it now I have found a decent cut.

I crisp up the fat and watch, mouth watering as the rashers go lovely and crunchy.

Se what this thread has done to me?

I've gone potty :)
Bacon for breakfast and lunch? While I admire your effort, I can't eat bacon two meals in a row. The first meal is great, but my arteries harden and I sleep through the next meal everytime. I've gotten where I pretty much only eat bacon for dinner.
Ok ok...:lol:

I have 32 rashers in the fridge and a permanently hungry 16 year old lad.
Bacon tomorrow to fortify ourselves for the football in the afternoon.

Oh well, the bacon free thought didn't last long eh hahahaha.

Just saying....

Experiment 3 this afternoon.

Chicken, mushroom and bacon pie.
I was going to do a bacon mushroom pie but, I didn't have enough bacon in the fridge....:shock:
PPP you may say :oops:

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